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-: sixth year :-


. . .

"You took your bloody time." Rosie grumbled as Fred and George arrived down on the banking. People stared from afar, the last dregs of the crowd from the stands. 

"Sorry about that, just had to get back to the fucking common room and then convince Katie Bell to get you some clothes." George replied, the two boys leaning against things trying to catch their breath. 

"I would have just worn yours, you twats." Rosie replied, and the twins glanced at each other. "I'm getting cold and hungry and I'm pretty sure I'm in trouble Dumbledore and Cedric."

"Alright don't get your knickers in a twist." Fred said, holding out a towel for Rosie, the girl pulling her self out of the water and grabbing it. 

She disappeared behind a few nearby rocks to change, drying herself off best she could and pulling on her clothes. 

"Why are you in trouble with Dumbledore and Diggory?" George asked, after Rosie emerged out from behind the rock, yelping as Rosie tugged his hat off his hat and used it to hide her hair, which was still soaking wet.

"Well the chief merman snitched on me the smug bastard." Rosie most definitely swore a lot more when she was grumpy and cold - but it was fine, it made it all more funny and interesting. 

"When I was listening to the scores he saw me in the water. Definitely recognised me as well. And I think Cedric did as well - I got a bit too cocky I think." Rosie shivered and Fred wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer. 

"So you think that Cedric knows you were the mermaid?" George asked, as they joined the back of a group of Beauxbatons students.

"He either just saw me as the mermaid who helped him, or figured out that I was that mermaid. He was looking over at you a lot - expecting to see me there I reckon." Rosie sighed. "Now I just have to avoid him everywhere."

"Meals in the kitchen then?" Fred cocked an eyebrow, the group of them beginning to climb the staircases that would lead them up the castle.

"I'll try breakfast tomorrow and if he comes up to me I'll start eating there for a while. Hopefully he didn't realise it was me." Rosie sighed. 

"Yeah.. um Rosie, we have a bit of a problem." George said, as they stepped onto the moving staircase that would lead them straight to the Fat Lady's portrait. 

Rosie was pulling the hat off of her head, wanting to dry it more natural rather than soaking George's hat any further. Confused, she looked over to him whilst holding out his hat.

"What? I don't think the water ruined it.. the dye seems fine and the wool is holding up." Rosie frowned, but George shook his head, Fred reaching up and turning her head towards the platform they were approaching. 

"Rosie-" It was Cedric, still dripping wet from his time in the lake, despite various drying charms and towels wrapped around his yellow competion unifrom. 

"Diggory, good work in the task. The Bubble-head charm you used was performed effectively." There wasn't a hint of friendliness in her tone, but spoke to Cedric like a teacher would.

"Yes.. well you know that it's you that got me there." He said, and Rosie rose an eyebrow, staring at him. "One of the books you left behind, it was marked with one of those tab things."

"Oh yes, one of the ones I managed to do whilst I was waiting for you to actually turn up. But no, your makeout sessions with Cho were more important apparently." Rosie folded her arms, and Cedric blushed hiding his face as he stared at the floor. 

"Have fun Rosie-posie." The twins sung behind her, laughing as Rosie didn't even turn to raise her middle finger at them, before saying the password and disappearing behind the frame. 

"Can we talk, Kersey?" Cedric asked, and it was Rosie's turn to frown - he never called her by her last name, that was her thing for him. 

"I guess we should. Planning on apologising again. You better mean it this time. Last time you apologised it meant fuck all, apparently." Rosie rolled her eyes.

"Let's walk?" Cedric asked, and Rosie nodded, before hesitating and not following Cedric as he walked. He stepped onto a moving staircase and began to move away, the Kersey girl sighing and moving forward quickly, stepping on it just in time. 

She wobbled slightly, and Cedric pulled her close on. "I think it would be a better idea if we meet in the Entrance Hall in about an hour. We both.. I mean you need to dry off, have a hot shower and change your clothes. You'll get hypothermia." Rosie said. 

"And from the looks of it, so will you." Cedric glancing at Rosie, his eyes travelling up and down her shivering state. "Here." He said, passing her the top towel of the many which covered his body, Rosie letting him cover the first towel had had. 

"Fred and George pushed me off the boat." Rosie said quickly. Cedric looked somewhat apprehensive, stepping off the bottom of the moving stairs. 

"Sure they did." Cedric scoffed. "I'll see you in an hour." 

And with that, Cedric walked away.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now