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-: seventh year :-


. . .

Platform 9¾ disappeared around the corner, the smiling faces of parents, relatives and guardians disappearing along with it. The smile that Rosie had arranged on her lips was beginning to hurt and dropped slightly, the hand that had been waving to her father and the group of others that she had stayed with over summer falling to her side.

She was undeniably happy to go back to Hogwarts, but there was something grim hanging over it, like how the presence of dementors could alter the atmosphere no matter how far away they were. Rosie had held out hope that Cedric would wake before she returned, and whilst he was well on his way to doing so, she wouldn't be there when he did.

Hermione and Ron were talking about Sirius, something about how he shouldn't have come and that he hadn't seen daylight for months.

"Well," Fred said, clapping his hands together and glancing at his brother and Rosie, "can't standaround chatting all day, we've got business to discuss with Lee.See you later." And with that, the three of them slipped out of the carriage and turned right down the corridor. 

"Has he saved us a carriage, do you know?" Rosie asked, clutching the suitcase of products and ingredients just a little tighter as they made their way through the thin aisles of the train. 

"Yeah probably. Angelina as well." George looked particularly pleased at these, although the happiness faded when both her and Fred realised just how many people were staring at Rosie. Neither of them said anything, instead managing to jostle the three of them around so that the Kersey girl was sandwiched between them until they found the compartment.

It wasn't long until they did, Lee was stood by the door to greet them, sliding it open and arranging a breaming smile on his face. "Well if it isn't our little mastermind potioneer!" He exclaimed, pulling Rosie further into the compartment.

"Nice to see you too Lee." Fred shook his head, an air of fake annoyance to his tone.  "Good summer?" 

"You know exactly how my summer went, idiot." Lee shook his head. "We've been writing back and forth for months, but I haven't heard too much from Rosie-posie, who by the way, has joined Harry Potter on a list of famous people from Hogwarts."

"I've what now?" Rosie's eyes widened. "Is that why everyone was staring? Because of what happened with Cedric? I thought everyone would have gotten over it by now and be more focused on the the whole.." She trailed off, not wanting to bash Harry by reminding them all of the articles about him lying. 

"He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named thing?" George spoke up, as they settled down on the velvet seats. "You would've thought so wouldn't you - definitely didn't bring anyone back from the dead or anything.. where's Angelina by the way?"

"She got Head Girl." Lee said, watching as the three in front of him jaws dropped. "You didn't know? Everyone knows Rosie has captain right?"

"Angelina didn't tell me!" The Kersey girl gasped, hand raising to cover her mouth. "Oh I can't wait see her now." She sat back in her seats, noticing the boys eyeing the suitcase and tilting their head towards Lee when she caught their eyes. 

"What's in the case - come on, don't leave me in the dark." Lee had watched the interaction with a keen interest, nudging the case with his leg before Rosie stood up, crouching by it on the floor. George leaned over to pull the blinds down, compartment only lit by the glowing lamp above them and the window on the opposite side. 

She undid the clasps whilst clutching her wand and muttering the counterspell to the locking charm, propping open the top with the small strips of wood attached to the side. "Take a look for yourself - but just be careful." Rosie gestured down at the case, Lee slipping off of his seat to do just that.

"Yeah - thats our life work and savings in there." Fred chimed in, peering over Lee's shoulder as he looked through the items. "Oh yeah - the Extendable Ears, very useful.."

"And they're the Skiving Snackboxes, perfected just in time for school." George nodded. "Lots of potions - no they're love potions don't drink them!" 

"Got it, got it." Lee quickly placed down the purple-pink sparkling vial in his hand, taking note fo the heart shaped sticker that had been attached to it. "How are you planning on advertising them?"

"Well, Rosie here came up with a plan for that very early in the holidays. We've got several potions to change hair colours and Rosie's bought us a Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin tie. We'll sneak into their common rooms and then put things up on their noticeboards." George explained. "Just got to get the posters first."

"Oh I know what to do for that." Fred sat up, a grin gracing his features. "You know who's a great artist and had a crush on Rosie since he started here? Dean Thomas - you need proof? All the Quidditch banners over the years."

"I.. what?" Rosie's eyes were wide. "Dean Thomas? Oh.. is that why my drawing was so pretty that one time?" The girl shook her head. "You want me to go and ask him, don't you?" 

"Of course." They didn't even attempt to deny it, smiling over at Rosie. "Making friends with you in first year was so incredibly useful." Fred mused. "Sure we had to pull you out of the Great Lake before your tentacle-y relative snatched you but it was worth it."

"For the last time, I'm not related to anything other than mermaids! Who just have tails!" Rosie shook her head, watching as Lee stood up from the case. "Alright, so I'm going to find Dean and ask him for the posters.. I'll probably end up paying him something and.. make sure you don't let anyone touch that case."

She muttered the quick locking spell and stood up on her tiptoes to place the suitcase on the overhead rack before walking to the door and pulling up the blinds.

"Oh - just be careful." Lee saidd suddenly, Fred and George looking slightly concerned. "Dean Thomas is friends with Seamus... who doesn't really believe Harry." 

"I see." Rosie chewed her bottom lip as she pulled open the door. "It'll be fine - oh, and if Angelina comes back then tell her I'll be back." 

And with that, the Kersey girl set off to help the Weasley Wizard Wheezes business even more, not even taking a break for the train ride.

ok but i will
wake him up soon just
let me get through the next
few chapters with the introduction
of umbridge n shit, so by chapter
40 ok?

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now