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-: seventh year :-


. . .

"Rosie? What are you doing here?" Harry asked, looking between the twins and the Kersey girl, who only shrugged. 

"Cedric was moved to St. Mungos. Has he heard about the Order yet?" She questioned, glancing around. Hermione and Ron nodded. "My dad's in the Order, so gives me an excuse to stay up in London rather than going back up north after every visit."

"Even if her dad wasn't, she would be very much welcome here, she's staying with us." Fred chimed in, Rosie smiling up at the twins, who waved back at her.

"So.. how is he?" Harry asked, looking worried as his gaze flickered from his godfather to Rosie, who was slipping her bag off her shoulders and placing it by the floor, thin summer coat being tugged off and thrown over to Tonks, who hooked it on the row of pegs on the wall, almongst the many others there.

"He is alive. Still breathing, non-responsive but very much there. Alive and that's about it. I don't know why I even visit as much as I do. Healer Strout promised me she would contact me instantly if anythings changed.. but it hasn't." Rosie shrugged. "Sometimes he moves a little bit, like his fingers twitch but that's about it. Sirius probably had more fun in Azkaban."

Harry looked over to his godfather, who looked amused. "Sirius has rather taken to Rosie. Claims he likes her sense of humour, but it's mainly because they make fun of each other." Lupin quietly explained. 

"We just both need cheering up." Sirius defended, and the group gathered in the hallway made their way through to the kitchen. Harry and Sirius discussed certain things about the house and Rosie joined the back of the crowd.

"Did everything go okay?" George asked, slinging an arm around her shoulder, the three of them standing out in the corridor for a little longer as the others passed through the narrow passage into the kitchen.

"I didn't lie to Harry just so he didn't feel guilty. Really, nothing's changed." Rosie replied with a sigh. "You would think that mermaid tears would do their bloody job - I swear they would've been stronger if I was more mermaid than I am." 

"Any more mermaid and you wouldn't be able to talk to us right now." Fred pointed out, the three of them making their way into the kitchen.

"True.. I just thought that considering the fact I brewed Felix Felicis which is supposed to be the lucky potion of all things - I just thought that them combined would result in him waking up." Rosie continued, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, waving at Bill as he cleared away various pieces of parchment, Mrs Weasley having berated him for not having them gone straight away. 

"You're a smart one, Kersey." Bill said, as the three of them passed by to go and help with dinner. "Brewing a technically illegal potions - who would've thought the girl that Fred and George brought home that summer would've managed that."

"She's worse than us, in all honesty. Gets away with tons of shi- ...things." Fred hastily corrected himself as certain lanaguage almost crept out, something Molly certainly wouldn't approve of.

"We couldn't have picked a better partner." George said, before leaning down slightly, lowering his voice to a whisper. "We got the love potion antidote ready, you can try it whenever your ready." 

"Brilliant, get ready for me to fall hopelessly in love with one of you for all of a minute. And no longer, remember?" Rosie whispered back, the three of them heading towards the cutlery drawer, only for the Kersey girl to be pulled back.

Bill looked down at her, tucking some of his hair behind his ear and producing an envelope. But it wasn't the usual creamy colour, but red. "From Charlie, you weren't here for it to explode in your face.. but you know what to do." He handed her the envelope. She took it, frowning and not exactly sure what she had done so wrong to warrant  the second oldest Weasley son to send her a Howler. 

"Budge over." She muttered, Tonks moving slightly over, laughing when she saw the letter. "I don't even know what I've done wrong!" Rosie explained, and the auror beside her only laughed harder. "Sorry in advance!" She called to the others, getting their attention and everyone waiting with bated breath as she opened it, the Howler instantly springing to life.

"Rosie Coralia Kersey! You can't mean to tell me your brewed Felix Felicis for the Triwizard Tournament! Thank Merlin you cried all over him because I have no idea how Dumbledore could've got you out of that one!" The familiar voice of Charlie Weasley began to spill out.

"You could've been expelled or carted off to some juvenile prison for young witches or wizards!" Charlie shouted, and hiding her laughter, Sirius and Rosie met each other's eyes, winking. "Last time I saw you you were mad at him for doing something or the other and now you won't visit me because you're going to see him in St. Mungos?"

"I was looking forward to having someone other than Daniel, Andrei, Sorin and Luca all summer. And you passed your apparation test, but no, you have to go visit a guy who is in a coma!" 

"I'm starting to feel this a bit personal." Rosie commented, clearing her throat. "Does anyone have any parchment? I need to make notes."

And as she continued to listen to the last couple sentences of Charlie's rants, Rosie did just that, noting down various things she wanted to cover when she wrote a Howler right back to him.

She didn't even look up when Mr Kersey, a man named Luke squeezed through the narrow passage way into the kitchen, messing up his daughter's hair as he did so. 

Rosie had been quite looking forward to visiting Romania, but considering it wasn't going to happen, she was more than happy to write a rather strongly worded Howler.

Although she would take care not to open it in front of everyone next time.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now