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-: seventh year :-


. . .

"I am.. looking for a stick of dittany, baneberry and asphodel." Rosie admitted. She had decided there was no use in hiding it from him, and Remus nodded absentmindedly, as if they were perfectly normal things to be looking for. A noise in her pocket made Rosie's eyes widen. "Um.. Professor Lupin, would you mind just moving that bucket off of the trunk and fetching me the gloves and one of the containers right at the top?"

"Rosie - what is all of this stuff?" Lupin asked, as he did as she asked, passing up the items. Rosie pulled on the gloves, still balancing precariously on top of the wardrobe, extracting the eggs from her pocket and placing them in said container.

"It's my potions stuff." She replied, her focus on sealing the box properly, muttering a spell under her breath before placing the box of Doxy eggs into the cupboard behind her.

She had extracted the ingredients she was looking for, all of them placed in seperate small plastic bags. "I'm currently trying to keep doxies unconcious - but not kill them." She explained, hopping off of the wardrobe, grabbing the ingredients as carefully as she could.

"The asphodel is just to strengthen the Draught of Living Death that's already in there with the doxycide." Rosie explained rather simply. Lupin was by far her favourite teacher she had had, and was rather comfortable around him - especially because she found out from her father that he was named her godfather - even if they lost touch for years.

"I'm not sure if the doxies are useful alive or dead, so I'm using the baneberry to steadily posion them. They can easily be revived through the bezoar solution I keep in there - and I'm also acting against it with the dittany, a natural antidote." Rosie explained as she moved over to the bucket, gloves still on and carefully extracting the ingredients.

She scattered the petals of the asphodel over the top, then turned to the baneberry, using a pair of tweezers to extract it from the bag. The girl carefully placed it down on the edge of the bucket, making sure only the bottom of the twig was placed in the liquid. She then did the same with the dittany.

"That should be fine.." The girl tilted her head, before moving over to Fred's bed, climbing up on the bedside table and peering onto the canopy of the four-poster bed. She pulled something off, a role of clear, somewhat sticky material. "There. I'll figure out what to do with them later."

Silently, she moved across the room after covering the top of the bucket with the material, carrying it and managing to put it away in the cupboard, sealling it with the panel. "Is it alright if I asked why you're up here? Did Mrs Weasley see you?" Rosie asked, looking worried.

"Not exactly.. Kingsley happened to see you moving up the stairs rather suspiciously.. I said I would come and check up on you." Remus explained, and Rosie stared at him for a moment, before jumping up at rushing over to the potions cabinet, reaching her arm in quite far and pulling out a much bigger vial. 

"Wolfsbane potion." She said, tipping the bottle towards him.

"Pardon?" Remus stared at her, completely taken aback.

"Well you see, we have quite the fundings for WWW now. And I was given a share to get ingredients - I trust you won't tell anyone, so I'll be able to reveal that I managed to get a lot of ingredients that a necessary extremely cheap from Mundungus. And don't worry, I checked over them thoroughly - I've been studying them for years - and they're all fine." Rosie rambled on.

"And so, because I got them cheap, I decided I could try and branch out my potion making abilities and try something new. I managed to acquire all the ingredients - Mundungus was quite the help there as well - and I asked Healer Strout to check over it." Rosie looked down at the potion, before her face lit up again and she pressed the bottle into his hands, rushing back over to the cupboard.

"I have, admittedly, experimented with potions in the past. Most recently with Felix Felicis and various other potions. I know that Wolfsbane potion tastes pretty nasty - and sugar renders it useless. But with my rather extensive research, there are various things that could help. It's a complex potion.. and I understand if you don't want to take it but.." Rosie was pushing other panels, one finally pushing open and she pulled out a box. 

"I asked Healer Strout - didn't reveal any details of course - and she thought that I had quite a good idea with this." Rosie opened the box. "Again, 'Dung helped me get my hands on some of these, but these should hopefully help with the taste. If not - well there's some Felix Felicis and antidotes in there. There's labels on them and they all match up." Rosie smiled. "Of course, like I said, you might not trust my skills just yet - I'm no Damocles Belby and thankfully, no Professor Snape." 

"Rosie - why have you done this?" Remus was rather taken aback by all of this, and Rosie had shocked herself as well. She hadn't expected to do all of this, or to give it to him any time either.

"Well.. whilst Hermione is campaigning for House Elf rights, I feel particularily strong about the mistreatment of werewolfs. I always have - since learning about them all the way back in third year with Lockhart.. he portrayed them so awfully so I did my research. I've wanted to help since then, and seeing as I know potions, well I thought that was my best bet." Rosie shrugged. 

"I have no right saying that we're in the same position, because we aren't at all. But as Kreacher loves to point out, I'm a half-breed, part mermaid and the other part muggle-born. The situations aren't comparable at all.. but I imagine if I try to make my voice heard in anyway at all.." She trailed off, not elaborating.

Remus nodded, seeing what she was getting at. "So I settled for the next best thing." She pushed the box into his hands, a smile on her face. "Oh gosh - I think Sirius might finish with talk soon." She glanced at the clock, then back down at the box. "If you don't want them, just leave them under the chest by the coat rack - I'll check after dinner."

"And if you take them.. well thanks." Rosie smiled, before jumping over to the door and moving out of it "Oh - and please lock the door on your way out, I don't want Kreacher getting in."

And with that, the whirlwind that was Rosie Kersey had gone.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now