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-: seventh year :-


. . .

She hadn't been nervous for Saturday until the day arrived, and with a flurry of butterflies in her stomach since the moment she awoke, Rosie dragged herself from the warm covers, washed up and dressed herself in what she hoped to be an appropriate outfit to visit a boy who was yet to say a word to her after his admission of love.

It wasn't anything too formal, but a mixture between casual as well. A dress with a orange and pink line pattern crossing over the black skirt and the bustier plain. A pink shirt with the same criss-crossing rose and amber lines was tied and open save for several buttons that came to a stop over her belly button, and a cropped black blazer jacket. On her feet, platform boots that tightened around her calf, her legs covered in thin black tights and a numerous array of necklace crossed her neck. 

Rosie hadn't gotten a lot of sleep that night, the feeling of nerves forming as she shut her eyes the night before and continued long into breakfast, sight quietly amongst her friends as she tried to stomach a piece of buttered toast.

But alas, it wasn't meant to be and as nine o'clock neared, Rosie, Fred and George abandoned the Great Hall and made their way through to the Courtyard, the girl clutching her bag, umbrella and wand as they came to a stop by the gate. 

Usually this area would only be frequented by students wishing to go into Hogsmeade on the assigned days, and the busyness no longer remained, the only people there being the twins and the Kersey girl.

"You look about - this - close to being sick." Fred was saying it as a joke, but elements of truth wormed their way in as George swung an arm around Rosie's shoulders.

"You'll be fine, Rosie-Posie." The twin added. "If I had the girl who saved my life coming to visit me looking like this my memories would be back quicker than you can say Dementor." George rolled his eyes as Fred's eyebrows darted up and down in an attempt to make her laugh. 

"Please, if Angelina comes near you wearing anything your memories would be back." Rosie hummed out a response as she checked the watch on Fred's wrist. "Professor McGonagall should be here soon to walk me down to Hogsmeade, where I'll be meeting up with Mrs Diggory. Could you make sure to put up the Quidditch sign-up sheets? I left them in your dorm and if it's possible could you put them on the noticeboard and make a speech or something?"

"Of course." Fred nodded. "And whilst you're there, don't worry about it. Of course we'll do it."

"And tell Harry that it's okay he's missing it. We're only looking for a Keeper and I'll talk to him when I get back. I'll need to anyway." Rosie looked to be counting out the list of things she needed to do on her fingers, focus towards the twins. "And make sure it does say on the sign-up sheet it is for a Keeper only? We already have everything else." 

"Rosie, we've got it." Fred clamped a hand over her mouth to stop anymore words from spilling. "Look, here's McGonagall, prepare yourself, get ready to go, we've got everything sorted."

"Professor McGonagall, Mr Weasley." The tight-lipped woman reprimanded as she approached the trio. She was dressed in an emerald green travelling cloak, and although she would only be venturing down to the village amongst the Highlands, she was dressed as though she would be visiting elsewhere. "I shall take it from here, Miss Kersey, are you sure you're planning on freezing before you arrive there?" McGonagall eyed the girl's outfit.

"It's warmer than it looks." Rosie promised, her knuckles tightening around the handle of her bag. "Can we leave? Before I change my mind about it being a good idea."

McGonagall nodded, opening the gates with a flick of her wand and stepping out following Rosie's goodbyes to the twins, who once again promised that everything was under control and they could carry out everything she needed with ease.

"It would be a silly mistake for you to change your mind." Professor McGonagall, although only escorting the girl down to the village was more than wary of what she was saying. It was only a week into term, yet Rosie Kersey had faced more troubles than she had the entire previous year combined. 

Quite frankly the elderly woman could hardly begin to imagine the emotional rollercoaster that Rosie had been forced into that week. Especially at such a young age. She had dealt with the blow of Cedric's coma surprisingly well, and McGonagall knew she had visited him practically daily during the summers. 

But since returning, she had been faced with the treatment that Harry Potter had recieved, herself and her godfather been called a half-breed by a woman who was supposed to teach her how to protect herself as opposed to informing her that it was the professor she needed to be protected from, and had found out that Cedric Diggory had woken up. But forgotten her as a result of some muggle thing that Professor McGonagall assumed to be some sort of PTSD.

"I know it would." Rosie replied after a paused, her boots scuffing slightly against the tufts of grass on the path in front of them. "Just funny to think about. I spent so much time with him, and everything that he knows about me - including the night of the Quidditch World Cup which was why I even ended up helping him.. it's just gone." 

"Miss Kersey, you're incredibly lucky he's alive and well, albeit the missing memories of a year." Minerva replied, voice wise beyond Rosie's years. "And you're a witch. With the help of myself, Professor Sprout and Healer Strout, there are ways to share memories." 

"I don't own a Pensieve, Professor." Rosie's eyes were on the front of the Three Broomsticks as the duo approached the village. Within, Mrs Diggory was waiting. "And despite any of my skills, there would be no way for me to create one with Potions." 

"There are ways, Miss Kersey." Professor McGonagall turned towards her as they stopped outside of the pub. "And Rosie, quite frankly I am disappointed in you."

Rosie's head shot up.

"You are an intelligent girl, and immensely skilled. It is not in your nature to put yourself down, so do not do it." McGonagall knew it could potentially be harsh, but if Rosie was to approach the scenario with the right mindse,t she would need to hear it. "If Mr Diggory's mind does not allow the re-entry of such terror, you need not let it disrupt your life. You may try time and time again, but do remember you are in your final year at Hogwarts. For certain people, NEWT exams are not a requirement for their line of work. I think you should find it to help you greatly. If you allow yourself a break this year, you shall not go on to do the great things that you are able to do."

The girl swallowed, ears pink in slight embarassment at the admonition. "I know." She replied, teeth gritted. "And I won't let it stop me. I can handle more than one thing at one."

I know you can, Miss Kersey, but that doesn't mean your body and mind can. It's important for you to remember that just because you believe you can do it, does not mean it's healthy. You need to create a balance." McGonagall continued. "If you wish to have help with this - and I know you have also agreed to help Mr Longbottom, whilst leading the Quidditch team, as well as producing the only recorded version of a modified Wolfsbane potion for Professor Lupin - my office is always open. You cannot let yourself get burned out. If necessary, I can relieve you of the Quidditch Captain position and move the title to Miss Johnson."

Rosie knew she was right - of course she was, she was destined to be incredibly busy that year. But she wasn't going to give up. "Thank you for the offer, Professor, but I know how to handle the cards I have been dealt." The girl offered a smile before pushing the door open.

Minerva knew her message had gotten through.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now