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-: sixth year :-


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As the Grandfather clock in the Gryffindor common room struck midnight, Rosie stood up from the chair she had been sat in, waiting for it to become late enough so that she would hopefully not disturb, or see anyone.

The Triwizard Tournament was a day away, or at least, the beginnings of it. A sign had been put up in the entrance hall, announcing the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students on Friday the 30th of October. 

It was the Thursday, and Rosie had come to the conclusion that she wouldn't get a chance to sneak out of the castle when the tournament had begun. It would simply be too busy, and with the excitment of everything, added with all the work that would have to be done, Rosie knew she would be as busy as anything. 

She was sneaking out to go and visit the Black Lake, in which lived a group of fresh water mermaids. Her own mother had once lived there, but had met her father and moved closer to where he lived.

Which just so happened to be a rickety house on the edge of a lake, with an boat-house area which would let Luke, Rosie and Will see their mother more often - a mermaid by the name of Coralia. 

Seeing as Coralia had lived in the Black Lake for a period of time, majority of her family lived there. They were informed of Rosie beginning at Hogwarts, and had invited her to join them in the water at any time. 

Rosie had done so on various accounts through the five years she had studied at Hogwarts. She tried to at least once every half-term, or once a term if that was what she could manage. 

It was risky enough as it was - there was no way that anyone would always abide by the curfew, and whilst most rule-breakers tended to stay within the castle, some ventured outside. 

And with two sets of students from other schools were joining them for a good amount of the school year, who wouldn't have to go by the rules so much, and with the amount of Ministry Officials, vistors and others on the castle grounds - it was about to become a lot busier and riskier. 

The Thursday night seemed like the best time for Rosie to visit the lake, and she seemed to have chosen well, as she didn't bump into a member of staff or another student. 

She decided to remain off the path, and stay close to shadows or trees, as she made her way down to the shore. From there, she stripped down to the bathing suit she was wearing under her pajamas, hiding the clothing behind a rock. 

Wading into the water, she felt the tingling feeling begin in her feet, masking the cold and shivers that the cool lake had produced. The water rose to past her waist, and Rosie began to swim, diving down, and feeling the tingling feeling fade, and certain areas of her skin become scaly. 

The transformation was complete, and Rosie, began to swim around, getting used to the feeling. During the summer, there hadn't been a time practical enough for her, Noah and Coralia to make the journey up to Scotland, and they had mainly remained in their home lake. 

It took some getting used to, the feeling of having a tail rather than legs. It didn't help that Rosie tended to forget exactly where the group stayed. 

But after swimming around the lake for a while, skillfully dodging the Giant Squid, the girl stumbled upon it, and dived down, hoping her family was still up.

She located their home area - and knocked on some of the stone, creating an echoing sound. A mermaid appeared in front of her, looking confused for a moment before their scrawny pale arms wrapped around her, spinning her around. 

"Rosie!" The mermaid said, and the girl smiled, recognising the voice. It was her cousin Lina - who was the same age as her. "We've missed you, come through." Lina said, letting go of Rosie's torso, pulling her into their area.

She was attacked by a flurry of family members hugging her, and producing various foods to give her, and gifts for her birthday. Rosie knew it would be a long time before she appeared on shore once more, and she prayed it happened before most of the school woke up.

However, on the very shore she later would appear on, a very confused Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw seeker was stood there, waiting to see that girl that she had watched enter the lake resurface.

Cho had no idea who it was, having only seen her from a distance - but she was so sure she had seen a pale green-blue tail.


𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now