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-: sixth year :-


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The Hogsmeade visit had finished rather late for Rosie; she had worked right up until Madam Rosmerta ordered her to go home - closing time had been and gone and she was busy helping them clean. 

With two galleons and multiple sickles clinking in her pocket, Rosie had been let into Honeydukes by Eddie; whose bedroom was right above the door, and hwo had been waiting for her to come back, as always. 

She returned to the castle using the light of her wand, and a week had passed, in a mixture of school classes and going over spells with Cedric - who after their conversation had stayed himself, thankfully. 

Life seemed to be getting back to normal - how it was before they fell out for a second time. That was, until Rosie went to breakfast on that Friday morning, her tie hanging loosely around her neck and skirt several inches too short than it should be. 

Almost as soon as she entered the Great Hall, a hush of whispers fell over the students. Rosie's eyes narrowed, her gaze following down the Gryffindor table. And most students were holding what looked to be a newspaper. 

A feeling of dread settled in Rosie's stomach, and with most eyes on her, she made her way down to where the twins were stood - not looking very happy as they brandished the folded newspaper around. 

"What's going on?" Rosie asked, as she approached the pair. Angelina looked up at her, clearly anxious as she held a newspaper. 

"Maybe you shouldn't see it." She said, but Rosie rolled her eyes, snatching a copy of it out of Ron's hands and unfolding it. "It's not on Harry again is it?" She asked, before taking a glance down at the paper. "Oh." 

'DIGGORY'S DATING DISASTER' The main coverline bore from the white paper, the lettering bold and clear. A picture below it showed Fred and Rosie dancing beside Cedric and Cho - and it was pretty clear who the champion was looking at. 

The twins and Angelina held their breath, as Rosie took a deep one and began reading to herself in a mumble. "The handsome Hogwarts champion's love life seems to be a struggle, that nobody of his looks should endure."

"Rosie Kersey - a rather interesting, yet plain character in herself - has been associated with Diggory since the beginning of the Tournament, but she was not his love interest. Instead, the Ravenclaw seeker, Cho Chang.

"Rosie however, her eyes seemed to be set on a Durmstrang student by the name of Theodossi - yet another handsome student who seemed taken by the plain, half-blood girl. So much so they had been spotted together on multiple occasions after first meeting at the Yule Ball, even publically in the Three Broomsticks." 

"But as it seems, Theodossi wasn't the only one Rosie was playing around with - as she was seen meeting up with Cedric on multiple occassions, despite them having fallen out before the second task." 

"And as it all came to head with the handsome champion harming Theodossi after he claimed that Rosie was cheating on the both of them, it makes us here at Witches Weekly wonder - does our Hogwart's champion deserve to have his heartstrings tugged on by the conniving Rosie Kersey?"

Anger bubbled up in Rosie as she folded the newspaper, placing it down on the table. The twins looked worried, and Angelina placed a hand on her wrist, trying to tug her down. 

"No-" Rosie said, her gaze flickering over to the Slytherin table, where Theo stared down at the table. On the Ravenclaw table, Cho smirked, clearly enjoying it as she read the article. 

"Rosie? We know it's not true - everyone knows it's not true." George said. "We know you haven't done anything, don't we?" Everyone around them nodded. 

Rosie looked down at the Gryffindor table, ignoring the looks from other tables as she met Cedric's eyes, who looked somewhat guilty, and he was no doubt thinking over how the article had protrayed the girl.

"I'm going to end this right here." She said, pulling away from Angelina's grasp and making her way further down the hall, where Cedric was stood. "Ced, don't freak out - this doesn't mean anything."

And with that, Rosie stood up on her tiptoes, hands placed on Cedric's shoulders for support, and kissed him.

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now