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-: sixth year :-


. . .

Rosie seemed to be the only one clapping, and she quietly stopped as the angry buzz of confused students got louder. Everyone was staring at Harry, herself included.

The fourth year boy seemed just as confused as everyone else, looking almost as if he heard it wrong, and that it said someone else's name.

"I didn't put my name in." Harry was insisting, and on the raised platform, McGonagall was mumbling something into Dumbledore's ear, who was crouched slightly to listen to her. 

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called again. "Harry! Up here, if you please!" Rosie looked towards Harry, and Hermione gave him a little push. 

They watched as Harry walked down the gap between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff table, stumbling slightly as his robes got caught beneath his feat. He approached Dumbledore, who directed him through the door, and as soon as he disappeared through the door, the chatter broke out. 

"How the hell did he manage that." Fred exclaimed, a smile on his face. "Brilliant." He continued, as he joined the many other students as they left. 

"Rosie?" George asked, and both twins and Lee looked back at the girl, who hadn't gotten up from the table. 

"Hm?" Rosie replied, and looked up at them, and then the groups of students leaving, from the grumbling Durmstrang students, the crying girls from Beauxbatons and then the student body of Hogwarts, who seemed to be facing from a massive betrayal. 

"You coming?" Lee asked, and Rosie shrugged, then shook her head. 

"I'll wait. I have to talk Cedric." Rosie smiled at them. "I'll come up to the common room later, you guys start partying. I'm sure Harry will be glad of some support - it's pretty obvious that a lot of the school will not be doing so." 

"Yeah.. ok. Don't fall in love with Pretty-Boy Diggory alright?" Fred said, and Rosie gave him a look, but Fred seemed to look somewhat serious about it. 

"Fine. I won't fall in love with him, if that's what you really want me to tell you. I'm just going to talk to him about our bet? Remember?" Rosie smiled, and Fred, George and Lee nodded, joining the last dregs of the crowd. 

She sat there for a while, waiting for Cedric and Harry to appear out of that room. The rest of the teachers had disappeared, either joining the students, or went with Mr Bagman and Mr Crouch through the door near to the teacher's table. 

Around half an hour passed, and Rosie sat there, knawing on the inside of her cheek. She was so glad that she hadn't been the one chosen, but also disappointed that it wasn't. 

However it seemed that her being glad outweighed the disappointment, and tapping her fingers against the table -  in the tune of the Hogwarts song, no less - she tried to think of what sort of thing the three trials would consist of. 

She was good at potions - very good. There was also charms and transfiguration, maybe even defense against the dark arts. She just needed Cedric to find out what it was. 

After thirty or so minutes, the door at the end of the hall swung open with a bang, and Rosie jumped out of her skin, looking down to where Cedric and Harry stood, the Diggory boy towering above the other. 

"Rosie?" The pair said in unison, as they saw her sat alone. Rosie stood up, making her way down the hall. "Where is everyone?" Harry asked, and both Cedric and Rosie stared at him. "Right, they left ages ago." Harry said, and he and Cedric exchanged a few words, walking out of the Great Hall and into the Entrance hall, before he left. 

"Poor boy." Rosie commented, as her and Cedric began to walk towards the staircase that would lead them down to the Hufflepuff common room. 

"You don't think he put his name in?" Cedric asked, and Rosie shook her head. "He did seem pretty genuine and confused as the rest of us when asked about it. Moody mentioned that someone could have entered his name for him - in an attempt to kill him."

"Seriously?" Rosie frowned. "But who else wants to kill him except You-Know-Who." The girl looked confused. "Maybe one of his followers? Snape is pretty weird." 

"Well people at Durmstrang are connected to the Dark Arts, Cho told me. It could've been one of them." Cedric considered, and Rosie nodded slowly, beginning to walk down the stairs. 

"So the first task - did they tell you anything about it?" Rosie asked, and Cedric nodded. 

"Not a lot. We just are allowed our wands and it's on the 24th of November." He shrugged. "That's everything - they said it was to test our daring." Cedric finished, and Rosie nodded slowly. 

"I'll have a think about what I can do. We could maybe meet up after class on Tuesday? Fred and George want me to practise Quidditch for a while, seeing as it's been cancelled for the whole year." Rosie suggested, and Cedric nodded. 

"Sounds good." He said, as they reached the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. "We can meet each other on the Seventh floor? I know of a place up there which is pretty much always empty." Cedric suggested.

"I'll see you then." Rosie smiled." Goodnight Cedric, and congrats on winning the bet." She finished, and turned around, walking away. 

"Goodnight!" Cedric called after her, and Rosie raised a hand, waving at him, before disappearing up the stairs they had just come down. 

𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now