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3rd P.O.V

The sound of hearbeat

It wasn't too long until Y/n, the Inarizaki volleyball team, Sakamato twins, Mikazuki, Suijin, Sakusa , Komori, Midorima, Takao, Akashi and Kise set out for the beach. Y/n's shoulder bag that hung over her left shoulder that had her beach sandals, towel, bikini, sunscreen, book and wallet. They were walking down to the roads of Miyagi until they stopped by a shop, Mayumi and Mikazuki were begging her to buy some meat buns and the only shop that Y/n knew was open was the one nearby Karasuno Highschool.

A man on the cashier sat with a cigarette on his lips, his blond hair slicked back with a black hairband. He moved the cigarette up and down not noticing the presence of the customers that had entered chaotically, he just hummed an unfamiliar melody that was quite good nonetheless. "Meat-buns please, twenty pork meat buns." Y/n placed the money on the cashier counter, good thing for Sakusa and Y/n they both had their mask on and wasn't able to smell the cigarette. The man slightly jerked up from his seat and rubbed his heart muttered some few cuss words.

"Two members of the Generation of Miracles? Top two ace, top one libero, top setter, Suijin and Ryūjin the famous basketball duo." He took the familiar faces of the bunch. "What's Inarizaki High doing here? All the way from Hyōgo to Miyagi, that's really far." His cigarette moved up and down while he spoke, he shoved the meat-buns, using his tongs, into a brown paper bag. "What's a mix bunch of basketball and volleyball doing all together?" He raised his eyebrows up on the weird mix of bunch.

"Training camp at Shiratorizawa Academy." Y/n opened up her wallet and handed the amount of money she had to pay for the meat buns. Mikazuki and Mayumi's eyes gleamed of the food that Y/n bought for them. The drool escaping the side of their lips, imagining the heavenly taste of the meat buns and the hot steam that escapes it when they open it in half. "Stop drooling." They immediately wiped the drool off their faces and stood straight.

"Hmm, must be the thing I heard about. Going to the beach?" He said eyeing a bag they each all had, they all nodded to his question. "Here's a tip, if you want you guys can play beach volleyball, when you see an old man who owns the cocktail bar that old man has some net and beach volleyball to play around with. Just don't lose the ball, he'll be chasing you around with a wooden stick ready to kick your ass if you lose it." He said while handing Y/n the piece of brown paper bag filled with food, she grabbed the paper bag out of his hands and thanked him under her breath.

"Oh thank you for that, m'pretty sure they'd like to play beach volleyball." She nudged Atsumu on his side when he was touching the pack of gums and was re-arranging them in all sorts of order. "Stop that or I'll kick your sorry ass." She leaned into his ear, talking underneath her mask. Atsumh flinched at the threat the (h/c) coloured gave him, he gulped his saliva and backed away from the rackets of gum. Y/n mentally sighed in her displease, annoyed of what the man-child was doing.

As they were leaving the shop Y/n, Kise, Midorima, Akashi, the basketball duo, Mayumi and Mikazuki heard a familiar voice. "I'll take this magazine." A male said, slamming the porn magazine on the counter making the man look up at him. They turned their head to see a dark-blue haired male, tanned skin and was really tall. Behind him was a pink-haired female with pink hues waiting impatiently for the man.

"Aomine-cchi! Momoi-cchi!" Kise waved at his former basketball teammate and smiled at him, Aomine didn't care about the man who greeted him but the (h/c) coloured girl who stood out among the collective. His dark blue eyes widened, his lips forming a side smirk.

"That's 500yen." The man lazily said waiting for his payment while looking at him, his hands beside the counter box and was tapping his fingers on the table. He noticed that the man's eyes never took off from the (e/c) coloured girl and slammed his hands. "Oi you brat, pay up." Aomine flinched and got a bit shy of his actions, forgetting to pay up to the man. "Kids like you shouldn't even look at these types of magazines." The man huffed and shook his head. "Kids these days." He sighed heavily.

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