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An Osamu angst fanfic or an Atsumu fluff fanfic?

3rd P.O.V

Soft; tender; delicate

Ten minutes away, the drive from the hotel has only been twenty minutes leaving them another ten minutes to bear with the twins stupid bickering. "Shut up you damn bastard!" Atsumu strangles Osamu, pushing his head back to the car seat.

"You shut up you stupid mistake!" Osamu also starts to strangle his twin, there was no end in this. Kita was done with the twins and didn't bother in stopping them, Y/n was too busy gazing at the city streets. Mayumi quietly hummed herself a small melody distracting her from what has happening. Rintarō was busy watching a video clip of the match between MSBY and Schweiden Adlers.

Y/n was listening to the twins bickering, chuckling evilly in her mind of how dumb they were. "Dad should have worn a condom when he made you or mom could have took birth control pills!" He starts to strangles Osamu harder which Osamu did not lose to and continued to do the same thing.

"Fuck off you stupid looking ass lemon piss juice!" Osamu insulted his twin's most sensitive area, his hair. Atsumu took great pride in his golden blond hair, combing it thoroughly and making sure not to bleach his hair too bad and make himself go bald.

Atsumu looked offended, he didn't know if he should kill his own kin right in the spot or be patient. "You shut up and fuck off, you damn grandpa! You're fucking copying granny's hair, aren't you?" Osamu now looked ten times more offended, none of them was planning to cease fire so they both waged on war further.

"You look like a darned pig Tsumu!" That's when Mayumi, Rintarō, Kita all looked at Osamu deadpanned. Mayumi blinked her eyes multiple times and tried to comprehend the level of stupidity the twins emitted, she wondered how they were even related to Miya Hachirō who was a genius.

"What the fuck? You guys are twins." Y/n said in a unbelievable manner, she looked at the twins with a weirded out and disappointed look. Sure the twins were dumb but for her this was on another level, the twins were average in their own academically but sometimes their braincells disappear.

"This would be a good thing to upload on the Inarizaki gossip page." Rintarō comments as he typed on his phone ready to post the video he had been recording when the twins war fuelled. Kita was just plainly staring at the twins in disappointment, they were sure geniuses in volleyball, average academically but seriously dumb in basic knowledge.

The driver who was listening to the twins bickering for the whole time was flabbergasted, he had heard some quite dumb conversations as he drove his passengers to their destination but this one was top tier stupidity. Y/n couldn't believe that she used to date Atsumu, she knew herself couldn't comprehend stupidity but she is now asking herself how she said "yes" to him when he asked her out.

Y/n's phone started ringing, reaching to her bag, grabbing the vibrating phone. "Yo Y/n! We're already here, we're at a café well –in-front of a café if you want to be literal– do you want us to order for you guys or should we wait?" Ryūjin rushed in to what he was going to say.

Y/n looked at everyone and saw their stares, as if they were waiting of what she was going to say. "Do you guys want to order when we get there or should we let them order? It's your choice of course." Y/n covers the phone and was waiting for their replies.

They all looked at each other as if they were communicating through mind telepathy. "I think it's best for us to order when we get there." Kita, the spokesperson, voiced out for everyone. Y/n just nodded and told Ryūjin what their preferred method was.

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