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3rd P.O.V.

cleansing, washing

Year 2018. It has been years ever since Y/n had left Hyōgo, no one had heard a word from her except for her friends. Reiko who had been dreading to see her older sister had not even found a trace of her yet, it was like she vanished in thin air. All went silent when they talked about her, Y/n's mother couldn't even stand hearing about her daughter's name. "The spike from Honoki received by Suna Reiko gaining them the final point and their victory!" The ball that Reiko received went to the back, just centimetres away from the white line.

Three months ago, Akashi Seijūrō and L/n Y/n were spotted in the airport after arriving from America. The two mostly travelled together due to business and during that time together the two got to know more of each other. Sakusa Kiyoomi felt like he seemed to be falling behind.

"Y/n-cchi!" A blond haired model came running to the red head and the (h/c) coloured female. He stopped his running causing his shoes to screech on the airport floor.

"Welcome back Y/n." Sakusa calmly hugged Y/n. The spiker haven't seen the young lass ever since she went to America a year ago. Their business work lasted longer than they expected causing them to fall behind.

"So when's the wedding?" Suijin teases Y/n and Akashi. He really didn't know who was more compatible to marry her friend or sister; Akashi was a fine well mannered man and Sakusa was a man caring man who sometimes can be a tsundere. He always thought that Y/n was better off marrying one of them rather than Miya Atsumu.

"C'mon love birds, I've got a date to catch up to." Ryūjin who began dating Shirofuku Yukie from Fukurōdani Academy when he started University roughly three to four years ago.

"Nii-san they just got back!" Mayumi slaps his brother shoulder harshly even causing him to lose his balance.

"I agree with your sister Ryūjin besides your date is at night, it's still early in the morning." Mikazuki finally arrives to the scene even though she was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago, she was apparently stuck in traffic.

"Y/n how about we three have a sleepover, it's been years." Prolonging the word 'year' and dragging it out to its possible extent. She linked Mikazuki's and Mayumi's arms. She sent her a suggestive little wink, Mikazuki just nodded happily as they wrre finally back together.

"Suna Reiko is the sister of Suna Rintarō from EJP Raijin. I guess the volleyball skills run down the blood." The spectator laughed. The audience clapped their hands while they shot up from their seats. Suna Reiko followed on her sister's footsteps, going to Itachiyama Academy like her sister did. Suna Reiko tried to take the Rakuzan High entrance exams in attempt to enter the school like Y/n did however she did not pass.

"Reiko has improved." A female in a double pleated black blazer dress with a mini A-line. The ends of her blazer dress just ended a good two centimetres away from her knees, her legs were crossed and her black envelope bag rested on top of it; the golden YSL that showed off and the golden chain that dangled off of her lap.

"That's not much of a surprise, Motoya sometimes helps with her training anyways." Another young woman with a black polo dress with Louis Vuitton written over just below her chest. "Mikazuki invited us for a dinner next week Thursday, clear up your schedule. We haven't been together for months." She stood up in front fo the female giving her a flat smile.

She just lightly chuckled and waved off what Mayumi had said. "Tell that to yourself Mayumi, your modelling career has been eating up most of your time. I like your outfit as well, it's cute." She compliments how the dress showed every each of her curves and how Mayumi's mocha skin was showing off.

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