
365 26 16

3rd P.O.V.

a nightmare; the demon Incubus that supposedly causes a nightmare.

Inside the Suna household held a chilly air, the atmosphere sent a cold chilling shiver up to your spine. Sinking in the silver metal spoon in to the plain white bowl that had oatmeal on it, bringing it up to her lips that slightly had distance between them.

Suna Rintarō glared at Y/n, hatred. The burning desire inside him to rip her to shreds made his right hand tremble, he could barely eat the oatmeal that was prepared by Y/n without stopping his hands from trembling. Such eyes that once held love now held a burning hatred for his sister.

Suna Reiko who was watching her elder brother glare at her elder sister was worried. It had been like that for the past two weeks. Their parents were to be home by the twenty-fourth of December and it's just a week away from it. For the past two weeks, Reiko suffered under the eerie silence that sat between the three.

Y/n looked up from the pearl white bowl, settling down her spoon as soon as she finished her breakfast. She took the white napkin and rubbed it on both the end of her lips, looking at her younger sister. "Is something the matter Reiko?" Her delicate hands slowly placed down the folded napkin on the table.

Reiko shook her head and smiled forcibly. "No it's nothing." Y/n just nodded having a flat smile on her lips. She jogged towards Y/n's seat and held her hands, bringing it up towards their face. "Nee-san can you train volleyball with me this afternoon?" Such a beautiful gleam on her dull-grey yellow eyes.

Y/n slowly removed her hands away from Reiko's clasps. She tood up from the black coloured wooden seat and stood in front of Reiko. She brought up her right hand and poked Reiko's forehead with her pointing finger whilst her middle finger was sticking out. "Sorry Reiko. Some other time."

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Y/n began to walk away but stopped on her tracks when Reiko said something. "Ouchies." Reiko quickly touched the spot that Y/n poked and rubbed it. "Why do you always poke my forehead like that nee-san? Some other time, some other time. You've been saying that for the past two weeks." Reiko was not furious however she did wonder what the reason may be why her sister had been neglecting her.

"I have to go to school. I-I might not be able to pick you up later, your brother will pick you up. Right Rintarō?" She looked towards him, Rintarō was just plainly glaring at his bowl of food angrily. His haw was clenched showing his sharp jaw, his school tie was messed up.

"Why? Do you have some time whoring around with someone else's boyfriend?" Rintarō stood up, slamming his hands on the red mahogany table.  Y/n turned around, her eyes holding no humanity. It was if her humanity became non-existent.

Y/n walked towards Rintarō and leaned down to his ear, whispering, "I don't care what you call me Rintarō but don't teach such foul words to Reiko." She left the diner room heading towards her room before leaving the house.

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