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3rd P.O.V.

A tiny, brilliant flash or spark; a small thing; a barely visible trace

"Please have a sit." He pointed at the two chairs that was in front of his desk. "Ms.L/n I'd like you to reconsider about leaving this school." The principal spun around his black cushioned seat. His name was written on a golden plaque on the table that was on top of a freshly polished red mahogany table. He wore a dark blue suit with vertical stripes and a matching tie.

Y/n sat legs crossed on the black chair, both of her hands settled on top of each other. "I enjoyed my stay here Sir. However, this school will ruin my future if I stay any longer." She said while playing with one of her foot, bouncing it lightly on the air.

"I can take care of Mr.Miya and his girlfriend if you'd like." He offered a "tempting" offer. It did not even make Y/n hesitate one bit about leaving the school it only just pushed her further. He leaned in to his desk, elbows resting on the table and his chin was resting on his knuckles.

"I refuse." She bluntly said, defying the elder's offer. He sucked his breath and leaned back in to his seat just nodding at the girl's response, he was not pleased. Of course he wasn't going to be, he was losing his top student at the whole school and was losing the reason why the school's academics went ip drastically.

"I'll get straight to the point Ms.L/n, the school needs you." He pushed up his rectangular rimmed glasses that was silver. He fixed his cuff links and dusted off the dust that may be on his lap. "The school's academics fame went up when we received the big five students, losing one will also mean our fame will decrease."

"My journey here has come to an end, I would not deny the joy I experienced from this school however what could it possibly offer me? The students of this school ruined my reputation while I brought the reputation up. The students of whom you managed destroyed my future." The principal didn't know how to persuade the female any longer now. He very well knew what happened to her and took no actions of it, so he knew what line not to cross.

"If possible I would not send my younger sister here but that's up to my parents decisions. I beg of you, don't even try to drag me back here." She stood up from her seat, bowed to the principal and left his office before bumping into someone.

"Y/n," she heard the coach's voice calling out for her just when she exited the principal's office. "The team needs you Y/n." His tone almost begging, he had gripped tightly on his clipboard even scratching the paper.

"I don't need the team." She said ignoring his plead. "How can the team ever improve if they keep relying on me and besides the team is strong enough to beat even Itachiyama by themselves." She began to walk away from the coach who also tried to persuade her.

She did not hesitate to leave everything behind her, even the volleyball team which was her new home. They accepted her like family and treated her like a sister, she always felt so happy when she was with them. She always smiled under the mask and tried to stop it from reaching to her eyes.

"We were hanging on a thread when we competed against Itachiyama. We were only able to compete against them because we had you and Mayumi. I won't deny your excellence and Mayumi's excellence." He caught up to the girl and began walking beside her. "Both of you surpass my intellect when it comes to formations and such."

"I thank you for your your kind words coach, but do not think otherwise that I will be coaxed by them." She begins walking faster back to her classroom where she came from to avoid the coach.

"Please." For some reason Y/n could almost imagine him begging on his knees.

A blade of a sword is nothing
without its polisher, the blade becomes dull and will be useless in battle.

"I've done my fair share in this team."

"Y/n you've made a huge asset for this team
and your skills are still yet to be needed."

"It would be selfish of you coach to force me to stay
for the reputation of this school.
My job here is finished and I intend to keep it that way." She walked away, not intending to even turn back to where she was, she had no choice but to leave everything behind.

And when she left, she did not hesitate nor did she stop her tracks. The only reason she hesitated was her dear little sister, Suna Reiko. They built such a huge bond in such short time, it's been a year almost since she stepped in the home of the Suna family. Reiko was her little sister and leaving her would leave not only a huge impact on her but also her sister.

"Y/n!" The golden haired boy calls out for his girlfriend.

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping

"What do you want Atsumu?" She asked irritated.

I dreamed I held you in my arms

"Let's go on a date this Sunday." His bright white teeth showed out as he beams a huge smile.

But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken

"I don't get to say a "no" in this, do I?" She asked with an exasperated sigh.

So I hung my head and I cried.

"Since when could you say "no" to our dates?" He asked with a small laugh in the end.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

She smiled under her mask, she felt all bubbly and fuzzy inside. She couldn't deny the feeling of intoxication inside. "Well that's true."

You make me happy when skies are gray

"Y/n let's go." He drags her inside the arcade, bought some tokens for both of them and went in front of the claw machine first.

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

He made her smile without him knowing, but it was unintentional after-all he wanted was to play with her and live up his youth. If he had known that it will cause such huge tragedy then he might not have done it, or it might have actually thrilled him more. She loved him too much and she hid it too well and maybe that's why he thought she wouldn't get affected

Please don't take my sunshine away

She wailed at night, the crescent moon watches her along with the stars. She watched as his back slowly turned against her, his back slowly disappearing to the fading light of the sun. Another's hand grabbed his and their hands linked together, she was forced to watch as the man she loved went further and further away.

She hugged her knees and buried her face to her arms, and when she looked up she saw his shining figure holding out his hand for her. He was the glimpse of light he needed, that turned into a soaring fire when they were together.

"Your father will be quite far away for a few days.
In that time, we'll spend time together."

"Mother may we go buy new fishes for the fish tank in my room?"

"As you please my boy."

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