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3rd P.O.V

to be even tempered and amiable; free from anger or anxiety; acting gently without causing harm.

There it was again those nightmares that trapped her in her dreams unable to separate the dream from the reality, she watched her brother's life's crumble right before her very own eyes. She could do nothing but cry, watching him as he closed his eyes slowly while leaving with a painful smile. "Forgive me, Y/n." He left her world, L/n Tsukiyomi left with a brave smile on his face; his head slowly dropped on the cold floor. She wailed out her brother's name, watching the men rush out of their house.

Y/n woke up from her sleep, her forehead sweating, her blanket all over the place. She slowly sat up from her bed, looking at the window. It was only 5:09 a.m. when she checked the digital clock, she sighed and got up from her bed to take a shower. After she stripped off her clothes, she opened the sower first before stepping in knowing when you open the hot shower cold water comes out. She was took quite a lot of time finding the perfect temperature, not too cold, not in the middle but a bit more in the warmer side.

It was a typical day in the Suna or L/n household, Y/n would get up first and prepare breakfast for her other siblings. She would change into plain grey sweatpants pairing it up with a shirt. It was summer so she couldn't wear hoodies, though she would if she was heading out. As much as Y/n lived hoodies, she wouldn't dream about wearing them during summer; she wasn't planning on sweating inside a hoodie. 'Pancakes?' She interrogated herself of what she should make for breakfast. It had been a long time since Y/n made pancakes for breakfast and they were Reiko's favourite.

She got some flour, eggs and melted butter. (I use melted butter on my pancakes instead of oil.) She put a desired amount of flour inside the bowl, using the measuring cups, she cracked two eggs at the side of the clear bowl and dropped it inside. She quickly threw away the egg-shells on the bin and went back on the kitchen island. Dropping in the meted butter inside the pancake mix, she got a whisk from one of the drawers and mixed it until the lumps were no where to be found.

She sliced up a piece of the butter and spread it around the heated pan. She heard the light footsteps of Reiko, she tapped her sister's shoulder when she saw her making pancakes. "Can I try it?" She almost says excitingly. The eleven year old girl exchanged places with Y/n. Y/n was guiding her through the process of making a pancake, she was showing her when to flip the pancake and when it's perfectly done. Reiko liked the pancake a little bit burnt and so she kept them in longer.

"Nee-san can you teach me volleyball? Nii-san doesn't want to teach me." She huffed as she took out the pancake out of the pan. Y/n who was watching the young lass make pancakes looked quite shocked of the abrupt question. Sure Y/n could teach her how to play volleyball but she wasn't sure if she could actually help Reiko because she wanted to be middle blocker like her older brother and Y/n specialised in receiving. "I want to become a libero like Yuko Sano."

Yuko Sano was considered one of the best liberos the volleyball industry ever had. She was a prodigy that Y/n looked up to, she never would have thought her younger sister would look up to her as well. "Later then, after breakfast but you have to clean your room first before I start teaching you." A ghost smile appeared on her lips, Reiko had never seen her smile and was beyond shocked when she saw her elder sister smile. Reiko's face lit up and suddenly hugged Y/n, she never had an elder sister that would relate to her or be as close as this, her elder brother was always too busy on his phone scrolling through social media paying no heed to his younger sister.

Y/n poked Reiko with her finger and and gave her a flat smile, she had seen her young self in Reiko reminding her the relationship her and Tsukiyomi had. "Alrighty then, let's finish up these pancakes." They both continued on making the pancakes and talked about what had occurred in the training camp. Reiko was nonetheless excited thinking about these type of things when she grow up and go to training camps as well.

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