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This chapter will only give you clues of what is to happen next.

The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.

"How many times have I told you to stop contacting Y/n?!" -Suna Rintarō

"She's our sister Rintarō, she treated me more like a family than any of you could!" -Suna Reiko

"She's nothing but a scum." -Suna Rintarō

"You may be my own blood but I won't dare to hurt anyone who speak ill of Y/n nee-san." -Suna Reiko

"Hn. If she was truly your sister, then tell me Reiko. Where is she?" -Suna Rintarō

"Somewhere far from the likes of you." -Suna Reiko

"Y/n-cchi!" -Kise Ryōta

"Welcome back Y/n." -Sakusa Kiyoomi

"So when's the wedding?" -Hayashi Suijin

"C'mon love birds, I've got a date to catch up to." -Sakamato Ryūjin

"Nii-san they just got back!" -Sakamato Mayumi

"I agree with your sister Ryūjin besides your date is at night, it's still early in the morning." -Miyamoto Mikazuki

"Y/n..." -Miya Atsumu.

"Miya Atsumu..." -L/n Y/n

"Reiko if I hear that your talking to Y/n I won't hesitate to kick you out." -Suna Rintarō

"Who are you? My father? My mother?" -Suna Reiko

"You respect me Reiko, you're still a minor and you still have to abide by our rules. I'm still your brother." -Suna Rintarō

"Respect? I lost my respect to you ever since you failed to respect Y/n nee-san. I lost my brother years ago. " -Suna Reiko

"Suna I need to tell you the truth about your sister, Y/n." - Miya Osamu

"She's no sister of mine." -Suna Rintarō

"Listen to me!" -Miya Osamu

"Mother tell me about the boy who saved you from your misery." -???

"Come here my boy, I'll tell you about the man who became my salvation." -??? Y/n

"So this is our ending huh?" -Miya Atsumu

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