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3rd P.O.V

happiness due to state of innocence and purity.

Months had it been since the practice match with Itachiyama Institute, Inter-High was coming to a close. The last match, Inarizaki High versus Itachiyama Institute. Kita and Iizuna went on and watch the coin flip to see which team will serve first, it was like what Mayumi predicted Inarizaki will go first.

Y/n had looked deeply to each and every one of Itachiyama's members, looked at their fact file thoroughly, their weakness and strength were known to the manager and the whole volleyball team. Mayumi and Y/n were placing their bets on Atsumu's serves, even if it was just one service ace that's perfect, a service ace that will make the entire Itachiyama tremble so that they would fall of balance.

Mayumi was up in the stands, she didn't know who to cheer for; her boyfriend or her team but the mere thought of how intense the match will go gave Mayumi a thrill. Y/n and Mayumi had devised a plan to take down the setter first, Iizuna the main control tower of the team. Iizuna knew Sakusa well, they mostly relied on Sakusa's disgusting spikes and if they were able to kick Iizuna out of his balance Sakusa would go down as well, killing two birds with one stone.

"Put pressure on Iizuna, watch out for the sidelines Akagi-senpai. Atsumu don't lose your cool. Rintarō if you aren't able to stop Sakusa's spike or anyone else's spike lead them to Akagi-san. Osamu don't forget to add more "umph" to your spike. Ojiro-san they're more likely to try and bring you down first, so don't feel bad or anything if we lose a point. Ginjima watch out for Komori, his eyes are keen." Y/n reminded all of them, the coaches was watching Y/n guide the team even forgetting their own coaches existed.

They all nodded at her, their eyes burning in excitement. "Atsumu you are the reason why the team will gain a point, a setter always has to do with every point they gain or lose. That's why I want you to be at your best today, you're the setter everyone looks up to I don't want you thinking you aren't enough for the team." Y/n was more nervous than them, she had a feeling that Itachiyama had something up their sleeve but she couldn't figure it out.

"Y/n are you okay?" Atsumu asked worriedly. "Do you need to get a rest or anything, I'm pretty sure Mayumi can take over you." He placed his hand on her shoulder while he looked deep in her eyes for any signs of sickness or if she was hiding something. "Y/n?"

"I'm fine but I just have a feeling that they have something up their sleeve, be cautious." Y/n places her thumb and pointing finger on her chin, taking in every information they gathered and see if there might be something that she had missed or some piece of information that might not have been acquired.

"Don't worry about it y'know! The most important thing is we enjoy the match." There it was again, the smile that fooled Y/n as much as she doesn't want to admit that smile makes her day even if it was a hoax.

'I can never forget the day, your smile brought me the brightest light but I can also never forget the day I found out none of them were ever real.' She loved that smile, she was a fool and she hated it. "I'm treating all of you ramen after this match so do your best out there!" She gave them an inspiration to win, she doesn't know if it was enough to push them forward though.

"Well you better prepare your wallet Y/n! I'm going to get seconds!" Atsumu boasted with a smug smile.

"I'm getting seconds as well!" His twin yelled out in excitement.

"I want Miso Ramen!" Akagi claimed, he was being jumpy after the mention of ramen.

"I want Tonkotsu!" Rintarō said, he was still considering other options though.

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