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3rd P.O.V

(n) one who loves the moon.

"Ahahaha-ha-ha." Atsumu laughed nervously while nudging Suna to his sides, Y/n just looked at them uninterested and her hand clenching on the bouquet of white flowers tightly. A petal of the white rose falling on the floor, Atsumu's brown eyes slowly followed the falling white petal. Suna looked at him irritated when Atsumu hadn't stopped nudging him, clenching his jaw tightly avoiding himself of punching Atsumu in the face.

"Kita-san sent you?" She said while crossing her arms, the bouquet in the middle of her chest. She mentally exhaled, she was breathing in and out loudly inside her mind. One last time, Atsumu jabbed his elbow to Suna's side and eyed him to answer the female who was eyeing them dangerously.

Suna bent down clenching his stomach, the pained expression on his face. "Y-yes." His voice croaked, trying not to let out a huge groan of pain. He inhaled deeply and gulped on his saliva, biting on his bottom lip. Atsumu gave him a sorry look but everyone knows that sorry wasn't even sincere.

Y/n was battling with herself if she should invite them or not, she was a bit scared that they'll find her weird or just plainly odd. "Follow me, I don't want to send you guys back. We all know you guys don't know the route back anyways." She spun on her heels, turning back to the direction she was heading to since awhile ago. They let out a relaxed expression when she didn't get mad or when they heard they weren't getting sent back.

They walked in silence for a few minutes but Atsumu and Rintarō still hadn't a clue of where they were heading. Atsumu kept looking at the surroundings from time to time and was glaring holes on Y/n's back. He was about to open his mouth to ask something but Y/n had raced him to it. "Don't ask anything and just follow me." Her voice gave him an electric-shock down his spine, he felt his heart race. He was nervous, the amount of venom in a sentence had him trembling.

It came to their sight, tall trees swaying from side to side. They arrived to Miyagi's cemetery, the green grass on the floor that had dandelions. "Y-Y/n why are we at cemetery?" Atsumu was holding onto Rintarō's left shoulder hiding behind him. Y/n turned her head to look at him and saw his frightened expression, she found it satisfying and laughable. She always liked seeing the scared expression of people, how their faces writhe, their usual pink lips turning white and chapped.

"Are you perhaps scared Atsumu?" She teased the blond male who hid behind the dark-chocolate brown haired middle blocker. Suna cackled at Y/n's teasing. The grip on Suna's shoulder grew tighter, his fingers penetrating through his skin. Suna's wanted to swat away his hands but he knew that wouldn't make any difference when Atsumu will just cling back to him.

"O-Of course not!" He denies quickly but his actions has betrayed him. His cowering figure standing behind Suna, his fingers that are nearly going to make Rintarō's pale skin bleed, his legs trembling like a dog whose been stuck on the rain outside for hours. His stuttering at all didn't help him get out of the sticky situation.

His eyes were getting teary all of the sudden. Atsumu had a bad time visiting cemetery ever since when he was young, he always felt the creeps and always had nightmares every night when they visit the cemetery. Osamu when they were young would always turn off the lights when they were asleep and Atsumu was dead scared. Hiding under his white blankets trying to keep the "ghosts" away. Osamu was no help at all, he would grab Atsumu's leg when they were asleep and pretended that a ghost did it. Ever since then, Atsumu would sleep beside his twin brother. Mind you that they were around six, and this is completely normal between siblings.

"You aren't thinking that ghosts are real, aren't you Atsumu?" She says in a teasing manner. Y/n couldn't believe it with her own eyes, a grown teen who believes in ghosts. To her, ghosts are nothing but stories that grandparents would scare their grandchildren to put them into bed early. Even Y/n was a child those stories never once frightened her, she just slept late because she never cared about ghosts.

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