h o ll o w

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Hollow,  and detached.
It watched the demon crumble.
So let the demon die,  it said.
The echoing of voices sound strange,
  even to it owns ear.
The demon's eyes cry for help,
And it only smiles as a cold greeting, 
and inhuman farewell.

Fight for dominance,  it cruelly spoke.
Beat the fantasy,  let the reality ruled.
Let the reality ruled.
Your actions,  and speech,
Your eyes and mind
Let it rules, Let the fantasy go.
Conflict wars inside head
are a waste of time.
Let it rules- 
and so the thunder strike,
and the wistful fantasy break,
and the reality washed him cold.

He stood finally,  letting the reality lead,
And his voice,  his mind,  his soul,
hollow and detached.


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