Chapter 5

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Izumi's pov:

I've been in Japan for three days now and I think I'm adjusting to it quite well. Today I have to meet the heroes at the police station, today I was wearing a white shirt, a black jacket, black trousers, and black shoes. I tied my hair into a braid, then grabbed all the files I needed. I grabbed my satchel, then placed my apartment keys, my gun, my phone, the files, and my wallet inside. I left my apartment and started walking to the police station. Everywhere I looked I saw so many people getting along with each other.

While I was walking to the police station, I saw a little girl with white hair, red eyes, and a little horn on her forehead. She couldn't be more than thirteen years old, she was in a school uniform and she looked really sad for some reason. The girl was walking across the street and I saw a car coming at her even though the light was red. My reflexes kicked in and I ran to the girl, and brought her back to the side walk before the car could hit her.

"Jeez what is it with these drivers." I said to myself, I looked at the girl and she was staring directly at me. "Hey are you okay now?" I asked, and tears started to form in her eyes, the girl hugged me and started sobbing. "Hey it's okay, you don't have to worry now." I said sweetly and the girl calmed down. "Are you going to school today?" I asked and the girl nodded. "Yes, it's just across the street." The girl said and pointed to the school not too far from here. "Well, maybe I can walk you there. My work doesn't start yet, so I can help you get there." I said and the girl smiled.

"Come on now." I said, then the girl took my hand and we crossed the street together. "What's your name?" I asked sweetly and the girl smiled a bit. "My name is Eri Aizawa." Eri said with a smile and I smiled back. "That's a lovely name for you." I said, me and Eri started talking a little bit and I really wanted to talk longer and maybe even play with her. When we reached Eri's school, I waved goodbye to her, and she waved back. I started walking to the police station and it was pretty nice.

When I finally reached the police station, I was met by a man with a dog head who seemed wide eyed when he saw me. "You must be Chief Kenji Tsuragamae." I said as I pulled out my hand for a handshake. "I am detective Toshiro, from San Francisco." I said sweetly and chief Tsuragamae shook my hand. "Yes, I've read your file and I've heard great things about how you solved the case on the mysterious drugs that have been happening in San Francisco." Chief Tsuragamae said and I smiled.

"Come now, the heroes are waiting for you to introduce yourself in the meeting room." Chief said and I nodded to him. I followed the chief to a meeting room, the chief opened the door and I saw all the heroes talking a bit. When everyone noticed us the room was dead silent, one person with long brown hair and round face ran up to me and hugged me really tight. "MIDORIYA! Where have you been for the last seven years!??!?! We thought you were dead!" The woman sobbed and I think she was mistaking me for someone else.

"You must be Miss. Uraraka, I didn't think you were a strong hugger." I said, trying to breathe. Ms. Uraraka let go of me and looked at me. "What did you call me?" Ms. Uraraka asked and I smiled. "I said Ms. Uraraka, that is your last name after all." I said and everyone seemed shocked. "You don't remember me?" Ms. Uraraka asked and I shook my head. "No, you must be mistaking me for someone else. My name is Izumi Toshiro, I am the detective that will be helping you all with the investigations on the villains." I said calmly and everyone just stayed quiet.

"Chief Tsuragamae, do you mind showing me the files on the most recent villain attacks? I will report back on what I know soon and I will help you with any other cases while I am here." I said, the chief nodded and took me to his office, I could feel the stares from the heroes, but I brushed it off and continued to follow Chief Tsuragamae to his office. Chief gave me the files and it was quite lot a villain attack for just one week.

"Has there been any recent activity with Overhaul? I know he is still in jail but I would just like to know." I asked, and the Chief thought for a moment. "Well, from what I've heard from guards, Overhaul makes a call to someone once every week, the conversations are recorded and you are free to go and look at them later." Chief said, I nodded then I left his office, I started reading the files and this was going to be a long day. I was reading the files as I walked when I bumped into someone.

Katsuki's pov:

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, Deku- I mean Izumi's is alive. Not only that but she is America's most famous detective. I felt hurt when she didn't remember us, but the part that made me hurt the most was the look in her eyes, they were filled with confusion and sorrow. When Izumi and Chief Tsuragamae left, Round face started to cry her heart out and four eyes were comforting her and everyone else seemed like they were full of sadness and pain.

I stood up and went to get a cup of coffee or atleast anything to drink to help get my mind off things. I got a cup of coffee, then I started walking back to the meeting room when I bumped into someone. "Sorry." I heard someone say quickly and they dropped a lot of files. "It's okay, here let me help." I said, and started collecting all the files, when I looked up I saw that it was Izumi. "Thank you." Izumi said, and gave her the last of the files. "You must be Mr. Bakugou correct?" Izumi asked and I nodded.

"Yes, but I prefer Katsuki instead." I said even though I'm not used to hearing that name much, but it was better than hearing Mr. Bakugou all the time. "Very well, thank you for helping me." Izumi said with a smile, then walked away. I watched as she walked away from me, she seemed so happy as a detective and she seemed happy with her life now. I walked back to the meeting room, and everyone was still sad or a little depressed now. I walked back to my seat and gave half and half my cup of coffee since I couldn't drink anything at the moment.

"Thanks." Half 'n half said and I just nodded to him. Ponytail was being comforted by earphones, and the frog was hugging the bird beak out both sadness and fear. After a while of talking, Izumi came back in. "Hey, I just wanted to tell you all that you are all free to leave now. Chief Tsuragamae scheduled a meeting next weekend." Izumi said, we all thanked her then she left. "This is going to take some getting used to." Shitty hair said and we all left the meeting. "To be honest? I'm more worried how the others will handle this." I said and everyone soon realized that as well.

This was going to either end badly or well.

Izumi the detective (female deku)Where stories live. Discover now