Chapter 18

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Izumi's pov:

When Kacchan moved in front of me, he coughed out blood, then fell down to the ground. "Kacchan are you insane!?" I shouted, and gently removed the three knives on Kacchan's back, Kacchan blood was now on my clothes and I was panicking. "I'm just...glad to see you're okay." Kacchan said, and tears started to form in my eyes. "Hm, it's pretty pathetic isn't it?" Garo said, and I felt shadow going through my veins. My quirk was back. I took a small part of Kacchan's shadow and used it to heal him. The blood was still running a bit but at least it will be convincing enough to Garo that Kacchan is injured badly.

"Kacchan, please stay awake. Don't give up." I said and Kacchan smiled at me. "I've waited seven long years to see you again. I'm not giving up now." Kacchan said, I helped him rest his head on a wall nearby. I stood up, and my shadow whip appeared around my hand. "I'm going to kill you!" I said with anger, then faced Garo. Garo had two swords out and he seemed ready to fight.

I ran to Garo and grabbed one of his swords with my whip and I grabbed it. I threw the sword to a wall and it stuck. I started fighting Garo, he tried to cut me with the sword but I moved to the side to dodge it. I roundhouse kicked him but he caught my legs, I jumped back, then my black whip changed into a giant mallet. I ran up to Garo and he threw his sword at me, I dodged it and hit him with the shadow mallet in my hands. I grabbed his neck and got on top of him. I pulled out my knife from my holder and I was ready to end him. "Is that all you've got?! I thought you'd be better!" I shouted and Garo smirked at me.

"Have you forgotten that you're not the only opponent in the fight." Garo said, then I remembered Kacchan. I whipped my head to where Kacchan was resting and I saw that the sword Garo tried to throw at me was getting closer to him. "KACCHAN!" I yelled, I quickly got off Garo, then sprinted to Kacchan. Before the sword got any closer to Kacchan, I got in front of him and I flinched when I felt the sword through the right side of my chest. "What do you think you're doing?!" Garo questioned, I was panting heavily from running.

"No killing Kacchan." I said, then pulled out the sword from my chest, and the wound healed but the blood was still wet. "Not on my watch!" I said with a cold, dead glare, while Garo had a scared and pale expression on his face. "What? You thought I would say 'ouch' or something like that? Sorry but I lost that feeling seven years ago." I said, and Garo just glared at me. "How is this possible, this room is filled with bright lights! How could you survive?!" Garo questioned and I just smiled.

"Thanks to Dr. Garaki, my wounds can heal with or without my quirk." I said, then looked at the sword in my hand. "You should know something very important, Garo." I said, and I was now behind him, then pierced the sword through his chest and right through his heart. "Never mess with my family or friends ever again." I whispered near his ear and the blood was dripping down Garo's sword.

Garo disappeared and he was now by a door. "Guards!? GET HER NOW!" Garo said and guards came, and they looked ready to fight. I used the shadows to make a barrier to protect Kacchan, so if they try to attack him, they will be teleported somewhere else. I took off my jacket and tied it around my waist, I grabbed my knives then the guards were coming at me. Garo got away but from deep I pierced the sword through his chest, he won't last long. I started fighting all the guards, some pierced a knife through my stomach but they didn't expect me to heal very fast.

I grabbed my gun and shot the guards that were coming at me, I was reloading the amo when I heard an explosion behind me. I turned around and it was Kacchan. "Good to see you are doing better now." I said and Kacchan smiled. Kacchan and I started to fight all the guards side by side. When one guard pierced a knife through my stomach again, Kacchan used his explosions to blow up the guard's face. "You okay?" Kacchan asked and I nodded. "Yeah, just a little bit in pain." I said, I removed the knife from my stomach, and the wound healed.

"Okay, we are going to have a talk about this later." Kacchan said and I smiled. "By the way what happened to Garo?" Kacchan asked and I was nervous about that part. "Don't worry, he won't get too far. Besides he isn't gonna last long either." I said and thankfully Kacchan didn't know what I meant. I used my quirk to make 8 duplicates of myself and I fought all the guards but this type of thing drains a lot of energy from me but it was worth it. When all the guards were dead, Kacchan and I were breathing heavily, my duplicates disappeared, I was tired and I felt like I wanted to pass out.

Kacchan and I were about to leave when the metal door opened from an electricity shock, the doors opened and it was Charlie and the others. "Oh thank god, you're all here." Charlie said, I was about to run to her when I felt my vision blurry and my head was spinning. "Zumi. Are you alright?" Charlie asked, I fell to the ground and my vision was getting darker. "Izumi! What's wrong with her." I heard Kacchan say. "She must have used her shadow duplicates, I told her not to use it because this drains too much energy from her." Charlie said and my eyelids were getting heavy. 

"We have to get her out of here now!" Charlie said, then I felt Kacchan pick me up and I soon fell asleep.

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