Chapter 10

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Izumi's pov:

The week went by really fast, today is the last day Kacchan will be a dog and tomorrow he will be back tomorrow. I almost wanted him to stay as a dog for a little while longer but all good things had to come to an end. I was reading the last of the file about the recent villain attacks today, thankfully no one got seriously hurt but just had a minor injury.

Kacchan was sleeping on the floor near my feet. I was putting away all the files when I got a call from an unknown number. I answered the call and it was Mr. Kirishima. "Hey Toshiro, I was just wondering how Bakubro is doing?" Mr. Kirishima asked excitedly probably because he is Kacchan's best friend, or at least that's how he put it. "Oh he's doing just fine, but if you don't mind me asking how you got my phone number?" I asked and I could hear nervousness in Mr. Kirishima's voice.

"Oh, Uraraka showed me a card with your number on it." Mr. Kirishima said and that would explain it. "I see. Well you'll be happy to know that Mr. Bakugou is doing perfectly fine." I said calmly and Mr. Kirishima sighed in relief along with a few others, and I'm sure they didn't know I could hear them. "Well, I should go now. I have to put away some files now." I said and stood up from my chair. "O-Okay then." Mr. Kirishima said and I said one more thing. "Also is the phone on speaker?" I asked and Mr. Kirishima was quiet for a second.

"Uh, yeah why?" Mr. Kirishima asked and I smiled. "I just wanted to say that if your friends all plan on eavesdropping, try being more quiet." I said then ended the call. I looked at my clock and it was now 8:32 p.m. I put away the rest of the files and start to turn the lights off. Kacchan woke up and started following me to my room. I placed Kacchan's clothes from last week on my nightstand table along with some pajamas for him, which were a black tank top, and sweatpants. Mr. Kirishima told me this is what Kacchan likes to wear all the time. I walked to my bed then Kacchan jumped up to my bed and got curled up into a ball. I lay down on the bed and pull the cover over me.

"Goodnight Kacchan, I'm going to miss seeing you as a puppy. It was actually nice having someone around, even if they were a dog." I said and Kacchan licked my cheek a little. "Goodnight Kacchan." I said then turned off the lights in my room and I soon fell asleep.

When I fell asleep, I started to have another dream this time I felt pain in my body. I looked at my body and saw that my arms, legs, and neck were covered in bruises, scars, and bandages. I could hear people calling me hurtful names but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I was crying, but I didn't know why. I felt so scared, and alone. I just wanted this to stop, I just wanted to know why I was covered in bruises and scars, I wanted to know why I was crying.

I soon collapsed on the floor and I soon held my knees close to my chest, I cried and just stayed in the same spot for who knows how long. As I was crying, I felt a pair of strong arms around me, I looked up to see spiky blonde hair. "You don't have to worry. I'm right here." The person said and it was Kacchan. I felt tears fall down my face faster and I just hugged Kacchan tight. "Shh, I'm right here now. You don't have to be afraid." Kacchan said and my grip on him soon got tighter and we just stayed like this.

Katsuki's pov:

I opened my eyes to see Izumi sleeping in front of my bare chest, she looked so cute while sleeping. I looked at Izumi's clock and it was a minute after midnight. I got out of Izumi's bed and put on the pajamas Izumi left me. I was about to get some water when I heard crying. I looked at Izumi and she was crying in her sleep, I guess she was having a nightmare. I layed back down in Izumi's bed, I pulled her close to me and gently wiped Izumi's tears away with my hand.

"Shh, It's okay. You don't have to worry. I'm right here." I whispered as I rubbed my hand against Izumi's soft hair. Izumi was mumbling a few things and I could only make out one thing. "Make it stop." Izumi whispered, she hugged me back and I held her closer to me. "Shh, I'm right here now. You don't have to be afraid." I said and Izumi soon calmed down. Her grip was a little tighter now, but I didn't mind. I gently kissed the top of Izumi's head, then started to play with Izumi's hair a little bit and I fell back asleep with Izumi in my arms.

But when I saw the look on her face when she had her nightmare. It made me think what happened to her? When I was still a puppy, Izumi kept having dreams that made her wake up in fear. It made me feel like I didn't want to let her go and just hold her tight in my arms.

The next day, I woke up seeing Izumi still in my arms, she was sleeping peacefully and seemed comfortable with me. I started to play with Izumi's hair for a little bit, after a little while I carefully let go of Izumi and walked to her bathroom outside her room. I decided to take a quick shower and change back into my pajamas, I'll change back into my regular clothes later. I looked at the clock and it was still pretty early, and it is a saturday anyway.

I went back to Izumi's room and Izumi was still sleeping, I lay back down on Izumi's bed and just watched her sleep a bit. Izumi's hands were close to my chest and I held one hand. "Izumi's hands are so soft." I thought and let go of her hand for a minute the I heard the alarm clock going off. I turned her alarm clock off and I could hear Izumi groan a bit, her hands started to move around and I guess she was wondering where I was. I held her hand and she slowly started to open her eyes.

When she was finally able to adjust, I pretended to be asleep while holding her hand. I put my arm over Izumi and brought her to my chest again. I could feel the heat from Izumi's face and she rested her head on my chest. I missed being close to Izumi, I missed the way she smiled at everyone, and I missed everything about her. I didn't care if she remembered me or not. I just wanted my Izumi back.

We stayed like this for a while until I spoke. "Good morning." I said, and I could feel Izumi flinch. "Oh, good morning." Izumi responded and we were quiet for a minute. "When did you change back?" Izumi asked and I smiled a bit. "Somewhere around midnight, I changed into the clothes you left me last night." I said, still hugging Izumi. "I see." Izumi said and I was going to let her go when something came to me. "How long?" I asked and Izumi seemed confused. "How long have you been having nightmares and those head-aches?" I asked and Izumi frowned.

"I see you remember that. Well...I think it started about two weeks before I came to Japan." Izumi said and I wanted her to continue. "I don't know why or how it started but every time I meet someone from here, I always get a painful head-ache." Izumi said and my grip got tighter on her. "C-can you let me go now?" Izumi asked and I did. "You can stay here a little longer if you want. I'll go make us breakfast." Izumi said and got out of bed and I did the same. "I'll help you." I said, then me and Izumi started to make breakfast together and we had a lot of fun doing it.

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