Chapter 14

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Izumi's pov:

I opened the door to my apartment, with Rin's luggage of clothes and a few of her things. Rin is going to live with me until her grandparents or anyone from her family can be informed about her situation. "Your home is very nice." Rin said and I smiled. "Thank you." I said and walked to the guest room where Rin will be staying in. "This will be your room. We can decorate the room tomorrow, since I'll be having a day off from work." I said and Rin nodded. "I'll let you unpack and I'll make us some dinner." I said, then left the room to start cooking.

I was chopping some meat when I felt my head hurt, then I saw a woman with black long hair, and I was crying but tears weren't coming down my face. The woman saw me crying and ran to hug me. "Oh, it's okay sweetie." The woman said and I heard myself crying more now. "Come on, I'm making Katsudon and you can help make the rice." The woman said and I nodded to her. When I was able to see my kitchen again, my head was hurting a little bit less now and I continued to cook. For some reason, I started to cook Japanese food and I made two bowls of Katsudon, I think. I just finished making chicken and I honestly don't know how I made Japanese food, I don't even know how I know the recipe to make any of them.

"Rin, dinner is ready." I called out, then Rin came to the table and helped prepare some water. "Oh thank you." I said and Rin smiled. Rin and I started eating the food I made and Rin seemed to enjoy it a lot. "This is so yummy." Rin said with a big smile. "Thank you, I honestly don't know how I made all of this. I don't even think I ever made this before." I said, me and Rin continued to eat dinner. When dinner was over, Rin helped me with the dishes and she was very helpful. Rin sat down by the couch, while I was doing some work on my laptop on the clean table, I let Rin watch anything she wants on Tv.

After about two hours of working, Rin fell asleep on the couch and I giggled a bit. I turn the tv off, then put away my laptop in my room. I picked up Rin, with my quirk, and she was soon lifted in a cloud of shadows. Rin seemed really comfy in the shadow cloud, I moved the shadow cloud to Rin's room, I gently put Rin down on her bed and I tucked her in. I left the room and went to my room. I soon fell asleep and I didn't have another weird dream this time.

The next day, me and Rin went shopping for some things for Rin's room. We got a nice black and red rug that will be perfect when Rin sits down on the floor to do her homework, new bedsheets for Rin, and a nice lamp. We were walking back to the apartment and we were talking about Rin's quirk. Rin's quirk is called Reaper weapon. Rin is able to take a small part of someone's soul from anyone she has touched, she can also see someone's soul color based on their personality and the weapon is based on the person. Rin can also take away someone's soul, killing them but she never used it. Rin is able to merge the souls together making a unique weapon.

Rin told me that her soul color is black. To Rin black represents that a person has a kind and pure soul but they have a hard time showing, her weapon is a black sword and I should teach her how to use a sword. While we were walking, we bumped into three men in an alley. "Oh sorry about that sir." I said and Rin hid behind me. "Tch, Are you looking for a fight or something!?" One guy asked and I waved my hands in front of me. "No, I was just a little busy." I said, and the three men didn't believe me.

One guy was about to punch me, when I grabbed his fist, and my grip was quite strong. I may be small, but I am very strong. I sighed and just glared at the guy. "You are just going to make this worse for yourself." I said, then I did a  roundhouse kick to the guy right in the face and he was sent to the wall. "Wanna underestimate me again?" I asked and the other two men shook their heads quickly and I picked up the bag I dropped. "Come now, Rin. We have to decorate your room now." I said, Rin nodded then we walked past the men.

Once we got back to the apartment, we started to decorate the room when we heard a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it, only to get pulled in a hug from two people I knew very well. "Zumi, it's so good to see you again." I heard someone say with a british accent. "Charlie! Oh my gosh you're here, with Matt." I said and hugged back. Matt and Charlie let go of me from the hug and I asked them something. "What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you both be in America?" I asked and the two just smiled.

"Well, me and Charlie are having a business trip here since I'm partnered with her boss now, and we are going to help with tech advanced." Matt said, and I smiled. "That's great." I said, then I remembered Rin. "oh I want to introduce you both to someone. Rin please come here." I called out, then Rin came to the door. "Oh, who's this little cutie." Charlie said with a smile. "Rin this is my best friend Charlie and this is my brother Matt. Guys this is Rin. I am taking care of her until her relatives are aware of her situation. Her mother is a...villain." I said, Matt and Charlie quiet for a second then looked at Rin.

"Well, I couldn't care less if this child's mother is a villain. I'm just glad that she is not one herself." Matt said, and Rin smiled. "Anyway we just came to say hello." Matt said and gave me a big hug then pat Rin on the head. "Later Zumi, and Rin." Charlie said and pinched Rin's cheeks a little. "Bye Matt, bye Charlie." I said then closed the door. "They're nice." Rin said and I smiled. "Yeah, come on. Let's make lunch." I said, then me and Rin started to make lunch together and we had so much fun.

Izumi the detective (female deku)Where stories live. Discover now