Chapter 23

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Hajime POV

'This is insane. Who are all these people, and why are they attacking now? Are they working together with the guy that captured 15?' All the guards are trying to hold off the intruders and also prevent any inmate from escaping. Suddenly a crimson blade nears me. I am barely able to shield myself by catching the upcoming blade but a second one comes in forcing me to get some distance.

Hajime: No way! 15?


Me and the others are nearing the outside area of the building and, lo and behold, there he is, our lost cellmate...fighting Hajime?

Uno: Jyugo, wait! don't fight Hajime he'll...

After just a second of me talking Jyugo lunges towards us ready to strike. Just as I was awaiting the pain from Jyugo's blades something blocked it.

Uno: Enki?

Rock: Wow! That was close.

Enki: Long time no see Elf. I see you are still fond of using people to fight your battles. Come out and fight and leave the kid alone.

Elf: And why would I do that. As you said before, I quite enjoy doing this, and knowing that I'll win makes it even better.

'Elf? That means this is no longer Jyugo. We have to...'

Uno: Nico!

Nico: Yes?

Uno: Maybe you should grab the "THING" from Okina?

Nico: On it!

Elf: You can go ahead and get that antidote of yours, no really, I do. Let's see if that little concoction of yours can dissolve our perfected serum.

Jyugo POV

Darkness and pain are the only things I can feel. The muffled voices around me only make my head throb even more.

Jyugo:...stop...please...I can't...

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