Chapter 3: No Touching

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Your eyes wander, taking in the scene around you

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Your eyes wander, taking in the scene around you. And you try your best not to let your mind spiral. Despite the events of the last two days, the fact that you are traveling through space is the most debilitating. Never, in your life, did you ever consider leaving Corellia. With a pang, you realize your sister probably experienced the same panic and confinement of space travel, though she likely had much more to worry about than you do now.

You take a moment to look at each man that surrounds you. The Knights of Ren are shrouded in mystery. Horrible, terrifying rumors follow in the wake of their destruction. And here they sit in front of Just men. Admittedly, terrifying men, who radiate dark confidence. But still just people. And how the fuck are they all so attractive?! Surely, it can't be a requirement. The only reason you can see for them wearing helmets is to intimidate people...but they kill nearly everyone they come in contact with anyway.

That sends your mind on a tangent. You don't hold life very dearly, but you've only killed your parents- by accident, and some guy you beat to death- by accident. Sure, you've caused your fair share of injuries, but to murder so casually is something you aren't prepared for.

And now you're supposed to kill a strange Jedi. Until a few moments ago when Trudgen explained to you what Jedi are, you had thought the word was from children's stories. Heroic legends of good and evil. They don't actually exist... you didn't think.

A voice breaks through your reverie.


You blink, looking around to find Vicrul and Kuruk looking at you expectantly.

You frown. "Sorry, what?"

"We will be there in about an hour. You're staying on the ship with Kuruk until we locate the target. Not sure how long it will take but once she's located, it will be your time to shine." Vicrul's eyes appraise you. "Would you like any pointers? You'll be facing the dreaded laser sword." He taunts you with his eyebrows.

You aren't sure if he's actually offering advice or not, so you ask the most pressing question on your mind.

"Can that weapon really slice through everything it touches?"

Kuruk nods seriously at you. "Almost."

You grumble internally at his cryptic answer. Just like the rest of them. You raise your eyebrows, waiting for an explanation. It comes from Ushar, who inserts himself in the conversation by sitting himself down right next to you, looking at you with amusement- which seems to be his permanent expression.

"a skilled lightsaber user can slice through anything you throw at it. Knives, blasters, bombs, your body, a tree trunk, a ship...anything you could get your hands on."

You frown at Kuruk. "So, what the fuck do you mean by 'almost'?"

His passive expression doesn't change. "Beskar. It's the exception."

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