Dan's POV

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I did think it odd when Phil said the anonymous caller was just a prank caller, considering they'd rang 7 times pretty early in the morning, however, I decided not to peruse the matter further. Instead I just handed him his breakfast questioned no more and left him too get dressed. He was a pretty bad liar so it was only a matter of time until he let slip the actual caller and I found out everything. Best to wait then.


*timeskip to 3 days later*

"Dan!" Phil shouted up the stairs, "I'm just popping out, I'll be back in a bit."

"Phil it's only 10am," I shouted back.

However, my response was met with no defense and instead a loud clatter of the door slamming behind him. I thought it best not to dwell on the fact Phil was gone but think of the fact I got extra sleep without someone pacing around the house. I let my eyes flutter shut but I was instantly disrupted when the phone sent out a ear piercing ring that echoed through the house and drilled annoyance into my brain.

I groaned to myself but realizing Phil wasn't in to stop the calling I rolled over and thought it best to nip this in the bud and answer it myself. Swinging my legs around and stomping them on the floor my arms guided themselves into my regular morning stretches and my mouth seemed to make a noise like a dying walrus as my muscles were pulled and pushed into the correct place. Abruptly, the phone stopped ringing and I sighed as it meant that they would either call back or decide we weren't that important of a contact to waste time. I sat on the edge of my bed and waited for the phone to ring again, however, after what felt like hours (but turned out to be only 3 minutes) i decided they had given up.

But now I was too awake to go back to sleep so exhaling heavily as I did so, I pushed off from my bed and headed for the most important part of my day: food.

Nevertheless, as I raked around the fridge and the cupboards I was truly unsatisfied by the options I was provided with.

ring ring, ring ring

"Oh so it was important," I said aloud to no one in particular as I dragged my body to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I said balancing the phone between my shoulder and my face as I opened the cereal bar I'd grabbed from the kitchen.

"Hello Dan," a familiar tone rang down the receiver and I sighed heavily for having thinking this would be the mysterious 'prank caller'.

"Hi mum." I replied, "To what do I owe the pleasure of this conversation?"

"Daniel James Howell, don't get sarcastic with me," she snapped, "Is a mother not allowed to ring her son from time to time."

"Not when it's you. You only call if something is important or if you're having trouble connecting to the internet."

"Ha ha very funny," she mocked,"but you do have a point."

I knew she wanted something. She would never use a formal tone with me to begin a conversation if it wasn't something important.

"It's just, your Dad and I have read a few internet theories and we wanted to know from you instead of finding out via fangirls. But, you and Phil-"

"No no no no," I cut her off in attempt to drag the conversation desperately away from my feelings for Phil.

"You sure you're not a thing? You do get a bit touchy-feely in your videos. Oh, well if its not Phil who you're gallivanting about over, as there is obviously someone, who is it."

How do mothers do that? Invade your privacy and know all your secrets even when you barely think them in your parents presence in case they have parental mind reading powers or something. I wasn't too sure if I should tell her that actually it was Phil. What would she think of me and him being a possible couple. She's always liked him (because he made me happy) but I am fully aware how protective my mother can be about my romantic life and would any of them think me dating my best friend a good idea? Just think of how fucked up our friendship could get if we did date and then we broke up. Would we announce it to the internet like we do with everything else? Would we hide in the shadows? How would people react?

"I'm taking that as it is Phil then," she said proudly.

"What? How the hell did you get that idea?" I questioned.

"No one pauses that long in thinking of a truthful reply."She laughed.

"Fine, it is okay, happy now?" I mumbled, embarrassment gracing my voice.

"Very happy actually. You two are so cute together," she said and I felt a pang of pain in my gut.

"We're not actually together mum," I answered truthfully.

We would be cute together. I have imagined on more than several occasions how our relationship would pan out. I thought most often about how it would basically be just our current friendship but with kissing and cuddles and sex. Wait... sex? I'd never really thought in detail about me and Phil having sex and I am aware that is weird considering I've been chasing his love for about 4 years now. You would have guessed it had crossed my mind in some uncertain terms. I had thought about us doing it as in a one night stand sort of deal but never as a real passionate affair.

"Do you want to be?"she asked after our rather long uncomfortable silence.

"I guess so," I murmured.

"Well, does he no how you feel?"

"No!" I shouted a little louder than planned, "it would ruin our friendship."

"How do you know that if you've never said. He might feel the same."


An hour later and we'd discussed every single way possible to let him know my feelings; everything from sending a text, kissing him on the spot or just out right saying it. None had really tickled my fancy. They all just seemed either invasive or just not the right way to go about it.

"Well, I guess I'm out of ideas." she sighed.

"I'm sure I'll think of something eventually mum. Thanks for your help." I replied.

"Let me know how it goes. But spare me the explicit detail," she giggled.

"Bye mum!" I shouted before she teased me any more.

"Bye Dan!" she shouted back equally as loud and mimicking my tone and then she hung up.

It was so weird asking my mother for advice on relationships and romance.It reminded me of primary school when I would come home and tell her about all the girls in my class. A different one every night as I was quite the stud. But now it wasn't girls or women. It was men and she had listened to me gossip about our past experiences in romance and cuddles and she'd offered genuinely good advice and support. I'm sure I'll figure out how to convey my feelings to Phil eventually.

A/N-- 9K! WHAT THE FUCK? THANKS SO MUCH!! I lliterally love you all so much. aww my little reader, you're all so adorable. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter it was supposed to go up a little earlier but I got locked out of the house and there was no internet and soz but here it is now so... Okay, well I have no new revelations to tell you about in my life so BYEEE

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