Dan's POV

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Of course she answered without delay. Why wouldn't she? She always does.


"Hey mum. It's me."

"Oh, hello. How are you?"

My heart raced and my breathing grew more profound by the second. As my palms were now doused with sweat making it difficult for me to hold my phone. I began skipping through my thoughts and immediately I was engulfed by ideas of what to say. Casual was the wrong approach but then again so was formal. What I was about to say shouldn't matter, but it did to some so I could not tip toe around the topic but neither could I stomp on it with angry feet.

"Dan? Are you there?"

Shit. I paused far too long.

"Yeah, I'm alright. How are you?" I said in false cheeriness.

Immediately regretting asking (even though it was the polite thing to do) my mind drifted elsewhere as she began to fill me in on everything I've missed since the last time I visited. Adrian met a girl and the entire family thought they were dating until a few weeks later he announced they were just friends. Dad bought a new coffee machine even though they didn't need one because he "just loves a bargain," and Mum had tried to start this new diet but quit after someone at work said it didn't work. Sighing heavily I tried to soak up the information that was being barley taken in by my ears and even less absorbed by my brain.

You need to tell her...

"And then Mia said 'shall we arrange a girls nig.." she rambled, but I cut her off with, "Mum, there actually was a reason I rang. It's kind of important."

"Sorry, I do tend to witter on. The floor is all yours dear. What is it you need to say?"

Inhaling some much needed air I spoke my precisely chosen words.

"Is Dad with you now? And Adrian?" I ask steadily.

"Yes?" She says and I can tell she's extremely confused.

"Go get them. Preferably sit down and then p-put me on loud speaker." I manage out but internally cursing myself for stuttering half way through.

"Dan? What's going on? What's happened?" She questions.

"Just do it please? For me?" I breath out though my final words are barely audible.

"Okay," and I hear a clatter as she drops her phone on a surface and distant footsteps as she goes to find the rest of my family.

I take this to put my own phone on loudspeaker so I can talk with my hands like I usually do. It just makes me feel more comfortable. Looking down at the floor I steady my breaths and rapidly attempt to calm myself down.

"It's going to be okay," I whisper to myself to give myself that final boost of reassurance.

"Dan? We're all here now. Tell us what you want to tell us," my dad's voice says.

"Promise you will not interrupt or interject with stupid ass comments." I ask finally.

"We promise," my mother sighs and I roll into my long winded speech that I had been planning since teenage years but only got around to saying now.

"So as you know, I was never a huge hit with the ladies my entire life. You all put that down to bad taste but there was a different reason. A one I've kept secret for too long now. I don't like girls. I like boys. I'm gay."

There was more I wanted to say but my mouth failed me and my tears took over and flood onto my cheeks. A small sob made its way through the phone and I felt a rush of emotion pound through me. Was Mum crying happy tears or sad tears? Was she proud or disappointed? Somebody please say something.

"Well?" I managed out through my breathy sobs.

"That's wonderful darling." Mum said and my lips instantly curled up into a smile.

"Yeah son, we're proud of you." My Dad followed and my grin widened despite there still being tears streaming from my eyes.

There was a long pause and then, "Is it Phil?" Adrian asked and I laughed sarcastically even though the pure mention of him made my smile slip momentarily.

"No, he's just a friend." I replied and I was certain I heard him mumble "for now anyways," but I dismissed it.

"That's amazing dear and I wish we could have been there in person but I'm so glad you told us."

"Thanks Mum."


I heard Phil enter the house when the sound of the hard winds outside gushed through the open door and was quickly muted by a loud slam. My immediate reaction was to rush and tell Phil that I'd done it, I'd finally done it. However, as I hadn't told him yet I thought it would be a little odd if I bombarded him with comments of "I thought it would be way more difficult," and "they said it was okay." A pang of guilt hit me when I realized I was the first to know about him but I hadn't returned the favour. I quickly drifted past that though. This wasn't a first come first serve basis, it was a when you're ready kind of thing. It just so happened that Phil wasn't there when I thought I was ready.

Expecting Phil to come in my room (like he usually does after he's been out) I waited a while before accepting that the second slamming door was his and that was indicating he did not want to speak to me at this precise moment. I knew I shouldn't have been so brusque earlier.


For the past few hours I'd been doing anything possible to kill time. It was proving a lot more difficult than expected. Phil's anger never usually lasted long and with me it often didn't last longer than 20 minutes. I knew that as it'd had been over 3 hours he wasn't best pleased with me. So I tried to avoid him. I didn't want to anger him any more than he already was so I just pondered around while I waited.

However when he shouted for me, I don't think my feet have ever moved so fast to his beckon call. This meant I opened the door rather forcefully but as he wasn't really paying attention I got away with it.

"Just wondering what we were going to have for dinner tonight?" he asked casually.

Despite their being obvious tension in the room, I didn't want to act unnatural and put an even bigger gap between us so I did what I normally do. Sat down on his bed and sprawled my feet out in an awkward position.

Quickly, remembering he had actually asked me a question I answered with the first thing that popped into my head.

"We could get pizza," whenever I need an answer pizza always seems to be the correct one so I guess I'll roll with that, "There's that new place in town, we could order from there."

He paused as if running over the idea first before replying, "Yeah,okay. What's it called? I'll get the menu on the internet."

Recalling the only reason I knew about this place was because they hustled a leaflet through our door, I mention that and quickly ran to get it.


Sitting on the couch: pizza in lap, TV on, Phil laughing and looking pretty engaged by what was on the screen; i contemplated if this was a good time to do it. It seemed like the perfect senario. Nevertheless, something in my brain told me not to disturb the peace so I just left it and enjoyed the fact he was acting okay with me again.

A/N--This one was kinda long (to me anyways) to make up for all the shitty filler chapters so I really hope you enjoy it. Idek if it's even any good it was written in one sitting so please tell me if it's shite and tell me how to make it better. However, I do hope it wasn't shite and I hope you liked it. I haven't got anything to say exept that the next chapter will be a posted in about 3/4/5 days but other than that BYEEE.

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