Dan's POV

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Memories of last night whirled in my brain as I began to wake; just like last time Phil was entangled in my grasp, the way we always used to fall asleep. I kept my eyes screwed shut, in protection from the blinding sunlight, drowning in an amidst of thoughts. Reminiscing, thoughts of last night attacked my subconscious from all angles and it took all my self control not to react outwardly for getting so drunk. Instantly regretting getting unforgivably drunk and forgetting things that could have been hugely important.
"I think I might be gay."
That sentence had been reeling in my brain since the words escaped his lips. His drunken speech had passed into my drunken ears; I wasn't shocked as such. I had always wondered and I'd always been unnecessarily hopeful but I never thought this would be the way he'd tell me.
I'd fantasised it often: we'd have a day out at the beach and while it started to get late and everyone was leaving we'd lay and watch the stars appear in the sky; then I'd look over at him and we'd kiss. Obviously that was a far fetched day dream but I just thought this was a little sudden.
He was so nervous when he stuttered the words out and I barely even replied. I just looked him in the eyes and then at the ground and then back at him; trying to stomach the information and thinking up the perfect response.
Thing is: I know there would be no perfect response. No words would have been enough to comfort someone after they open up about such a huge part of their life.
Sexual orientation was a private thing for a lot of people. Straight is like the default and everyone assumes unless you tell otherwise. People react differently when you tell them and like I said there is no perfect response.
Opening my eyes and letting myself absorb the illuminated sky until my eyes adjusted to it I decided it was best to ask Phil how we were getting home. I know I'd told him we would be fine radio show wise but I was slightly starting to doubt myself. Nudging him on the leg repeatedly, I got no response.
"Phil," I mumbled again and again until getting the message he almost defiantly could not hear.
"Phil!" I shouted a little louder than expected forcing him to leap into action and jolt upright.
"Sorry. I've been trying to get your attention for about 5 minutes." I apologised.
"I thought you were just moving," He giggled despite their being nothing humours about the situation, "but now my undivided attention is all yours."
"I was just going to ask what time it was and who was going to drive." I replied truthfully.
That was not the reply I had expected although I would accept it. In all fairness I was shocked to see him still here. Knowing and experiencing Phils social ineptitude I know that after a big confession he usually runs and hides-- not in a metaphorical way either. He physically leaves; doesn't answer any calls; just stays in a hotel. He just goes M.I.A for a few days until he's ready to explain. Thinking best not to bring up the whole coming out thing immediately (it could probably wait until I was sobered up) I gave Phil a light smile.
"It's 10 past 11 and I guess I'll drive. You're obviously in no position to after last night."
I can tell he's not impressed with the amount I drank last night and why should he be? I took things way too far. I knew that because it was such a nostalgic place full of meaning Phil would probably allow me to get back into a few old habits just for the sake of it but if even he thought I took it too far then- I'd definitely taken it too far.
"Should I nip to the shop? They might have something for breakfast." I said quaintly as if to not anger him further.
"Yeah, okay." He mumbled not even giving me a second glance.
And silence graced us again. Not really knowing what to say I twiddled with my thumbs expecting him to say something first: I needed his order first.
Shovelling my belongings around in the car and throwing on my discarded jumper I got out of the car and looked at him questioningly.
"Water, crisps a lion bar. If they don't have it get whatever," he snapped answering my unasked question.
Walking off I wished I had elaborated on the awkwardness that blatantly filled the space between us. I just wanted to return the confession and tell him we weren't as different as he expected. That I wasn't going to treat him differently because I was different too. I just wanted to tell him.
A/N--- Okay so this part was written quick because I know I've been down on posting lately so sorry about that but ok ok. So basically I'm going to try post every 4 days. it just gives me time to think everything through plot wise and gives me time to do everything else. Enjoy it, share it, read it twice, whatever ok BYEEE.

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