Dan's POV

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As the song continued we sat in silence the entire time, just savouring every note and every lyric. Not an uncomfortable silence though, nice enough to mean I didn't have to say anything to break an awkwardness. His eyes, locked onto the glittering stars in the sky, were wide open, loving the view and his slight smile meant he was enjoying the song in his own little world and I was okay with that.

God he was so beautiful--I just wanted him to know that he was perfect. That he didn't need a girl or a huge internet audience to impress me. He was always doubting himself, looking for my reassurance in everything he did. He was amazing jus the way he was and he still didn't know that because I never told him...

From the moment we'd laid eyes on each other - I'd felt it. And I've spent the rest of the time hoping, wishing, praying he felt it too.

The closing notes of the song rang out and I was still looking at Phil. He looked so adorable deep in thought I didn't want to wake him from his daydream.

"Dan" Phil said, breaking the silence and it made me wonder what he had been thinking about just a moment before.

"I think I want to." He said simply but a slight edge on his voice rippled through to show he really was nervous.

What is he talking about? He wants to- what does that even mean? My mind reeled back to earlier conversations and I remembered that he said he may of wanted to tell me what was wrong, but I went along and asked just in case I was wrong.

"W-want to what?" I stammered out.

He looked at me, hurt clouding his eyes. Shit he feels bad I didn't remember.

"I want to tell you what I was upset about before" he replied.

"Oh" was the only word I could manage out.

After the entire time of hoping he'd say something I'd suddenly went dry on the subject. It was like I only wanted to know when he didn't want to tell me. I thought I was ready to know, I thought I needed to know but I couldn't accept it.The thought that he could tell me he had a girlfriend attacked every corner of my mind and I actually began to fight of tears.

Luckily the dark shrouded my face so I don't think Phil saw anything other than a blurred outline of me. But imagine if had seen me crying over something as ridiculous as crying over something he only might be about to say. It literally could of been anything and I was choking back a sob about it.

Pull yourself together Dan. It'll be something silly like it always is with him.

"You're sure you want to?" I managed to say without letting the tears down.

"I'm sure" he responded and he sounded so ready. Like he had been ready this whole time to tell me but he was thinking it through if this was a good idea or not. I hoped it was good- I really wanted it to be a good thing.

What if it was something depressing like his mum was dying.

No I couldn't afford to think like that.

Ok, Dan you can do this, just act casual about it. You're overthinking this way to much, he had a bad day. It's not like the worlds going to end-- Phil had bad days all the time right.

"If you're sure you're ready" I stated, "then go ahead. I'll still be here for you no matter what, okay?"

I felt like I had to reassure him-to be there for him.He'd put a lot of thought into the decision to tell me, it must have meant something to him. I was guessing that's what he'd been thinking about through our silence.

It was hard for him to open up to me over things like this. It was rare he told me every scrap of detail of his emotions and I doubted he would this time but if he was giving me a basic idea of the problem and if he felt he needed to talk about it so the least I could do was listen.

A/N--- okk so I know you probably hate me for leaving it there but ahh suspension is key. And I decided I'm going to make the entire story 50 chapters long so maybe all we be revealed pretty soon. Oh and remember that troyler fic I told you about, I've written sorta the first part but I'm not going to publish it until I'm almost finished with this one because I found I got them sorta mixed up and moved in an out of story lines. Ok so hope you're enjoying so far and byeee

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