♡ Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

After quickly freshening up in the ladies' room, I was back inside the ballroom. Michelle was nowhere to be seen, and when the dance ended, I saw John asking Elisa for another one, which she accepted.

Someone tapped onto my shoulder, making me turn around. "Hi Anna!", Gaby smiled at me.

"Hello Gaby," I replied with a small smile.

He leaned in to talk more quietly, as if to tell me a secret. I watched him curiously. "I think Thomas is bored out of his mind."

A chuckle escaped my lips. "What? But he seemed really busy entertaining the ladies." I watched around to see him surrounded by three elegant ladies, either giggling or fluttering their lashes at him. He listened to them with an easy smile, but his body was slightly stiff with boredom.

"I think you should make a distraction, or else he'll pass out on the floor."

I laughed softly. "Really, Gaby?", I said, turning to him with a playful look.

"Obviously," he said, nodding towards him, "Look! He's almost tipping over."

I shook my head in amusement, before turning to Thomas again, who was effectively clenching his jaw to keep himself from yawning. "Alright. I guess I'll save him from these ladies."

"Especially them," Gaby added under his breath. He patted my shoulder. "You'll be his hero," he said, mockingly serious.

"Of course, of course," I replied playfully, faking an arrogant face, "What would he do without me?"

Gaby dramatically gasped in realization, his eyes wide and desperate, "Nothing. Nothing at all. Oh Anna, be his savior, please!"

I laughed at his antics and shook my head at him in amusement. "You'll entertain him more than anyone in this room," he said, winking at me, "See you later, Anna."

"See you later, Gaby," I grinned at him and slowly walked over to Thomas, who took a sip of his drink, staring just above the head of an animatedly talking girl. She didn't seem to notice his wavering focus on her and continued her rambling, while the other two ladies laughed and commented just at the right moments.

I walked over to them, stopping at a respectable distance to make a polite intrusion. Thomas' eyes lit up when he saw me and he smiled, making the girl in front of him finally stop talking. They turned around with an annoyed look, then remembered that the Crown prince was in front of them, and tried to make their features as pleasant as possible.

"Hello, Anna," Thomas said with a smile.

"Good evening, your Highness, my ladies. I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation," I greeted them with a curtsy, and took a step forward to be able to speak with them properly.

"It's no problem, really," Thomas said, still staring at me.

"Your Highness!", one of the girls exclaimed with fake enthusiasm, "Would you mind introducing your friend to us, please?", she asked emphasizing the word 'friend', with a subtle sneer at me.

Thomas focused back to her and he cleared his throat, "Anna, these are Lady Joséphine, Lady Daphnée, and Lady Désirée of Rutherford. Ladies, this is Lady Anna." Ah. So, they are Michelle's sisters. There was indeed a resemblance between the four of them.

Lady Joséphine, who seemed to be the oldest, had dark chocolate brown hair, and amber eyes a shade darker than Michelle. She held herself with grace and poise, but also superiority and arrogance. She was a bit taller than me, and regarded me with condescending eyes and a strained smile.

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