♡ Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Three days later

It was nearly dinner when I walked through the garden to go to the stables. I went to take a quick look at how Belle was doing, like I did almost every day. I sped up a bit, because I knew that dinner would be served soon.

As I speed-walked along the well-trimmed bushes, I saw the last nobles that were strolling in the garden returning inside. Quick, I thought, before I'm late.

When I entered the stable, I found it empty of any presence apart from that of the horses either resting or eating their meal. It was the evening, so there were shadows gracing the floor and the walls, as well as the light of the evening sun, where it could enter through the sparse windows.

I immediately went to the left to greet Belle when I heard rapid footsteps coming up behind me at the last moment. Is someone following me? Before I could turn around, I felt the cold sharp blade of a dagger being pressed to my throat.

I gasped sharply, stumbling back when the aggressor suddenly trapped me between his arm and his body. Oh god, was my first thought, am I discovered? I tried desperately to wiggle out of his grip, but he pressed the dagger harder against my throat, making it impossible for me to escape.

I screamed as loud as I could, but as soon as the sound got out of my mouth, the man clamped his hand on it, making sure that any sound that I could do was lessened, before returning his arm around my body and dragging me to the nearest wall.

"Not a sound, or you will be dead before you can blink," the man threatened, throwing me against the wall, the dagger still pressing firmly against my throat.

I wiggled my lower body since it was unrestrained, trying to kick him anywhere I could find, but he pressed himself completely against me, trapping me between his body and the wall.

"Why are you attacking me? What have I done?", I asked hopelessly, feeling my eyes well up with tears.

He laughed cruelly. "What do you think, huh? You think your secret wouldn't come out eventually?"

"So it's because of my identity?", I asked, trying to blink my tears away.

I saw his eyes roll even in the shadows, "Why else, you dumb wench."

"What have you got against me, then?", I asked. I needed to find a way to know who he was working for.

"My orders. Now shut up! We just wait... silently," he growled.

"But who would want to attack me?! Who?!", I wailed, acting the part of a desperate girl.

"Master Rutherford, that's who!! Now shut up before I slit your throat!", he roared.

There. I got my answer. But which one is Master Rutherford? And how did he find out?! I got myself together, knowing that I wouldn't die right now and that his threats were empty. Like Thomas had once said, they wouldn't kill my sister or me, since they can use us as ransom against my father.

I continued to cry silent tears, knowing that it's always better to make it look like the aggressor had the advantage. But he has the advantage!, my subconscious nagged me. I decided to ignore it.

I shouted, "Help! He-"

"Will you shut your trap you bitch!", he spat at me, his hand over my mouth again.

I suddenly saw a shadow creeping behind him. I didn't know if it was the people we were waiting for, or someone else. I stayed silent either way and struggled against the body trapping me.

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