♡ Chapter 49

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Anna's ballgown ^^

Chapter 49

I rushed back to the ball room, shocked and devastated at the same time. I had been on my way to the library when I almost stumbled upon them. And I hadn't been delusional. They were kissing.

I had always known the time would come where he would choose someone else than me, but that didn't make it hurt less. My chest felt constricted, and it wasn't because of my tightly bound corset.

Why were they kissing there of all places? Thomas should at least have thought about it. It wasn't like him to go around kissing people anywhere.

Hm. That's suspicious. I frowned, wandering between happily chatting people. I hadn't seen who had initiated the kiss, but from their positions, I could bet it wasn't Thomas. And I had fled immediately, so I hadn't seen if he had pushed her away. It would be surprising to find him liking a lady so much that he would kiss her in hallways, but not dance with her at the ball. And I hadn't seen her dance with him tonight, I would have recognized her in her bright pink ballgown.

But now that I thought about it, Thomas had danced with me more often than before. I wondered why that was. Maybe he only finds me pretty?, I thought, glancing at my grey-pink ballgown.

But regarding what I had witnessed in the hallway, I suspected that there was more to it. But that didn't save my heart from being stomped on in my chest.

I sighed, making my way over to the tables and taking a fruit punch. My eyes looked around, finding familiar and unfamiliar faces everywhere. I could feel the ball ending. The dancefloor wasn't as crowded as at the beginning of the ball, and the people started to take their leave.

Maybe I should still go to the library, I thought. I certainly hoped that Thomas and the girl would be gone by now.

I wondered what he wanted to discuss with me. And in complete privacy? It must be something really important. And then, perhaps I could also discreetly ask him about the girl.

I checked on Elisa, who was talking with Michelle and a few other girls, before making my way out of the ball room to the library for the second time.

As I ascended the stairs, I could feel anxiety growing in my stomach. Maybe he wanted to tell me about the girl that he was kissing so he could distance himself from me. Maybe he even intended to marry her... I shoved these thoughts aside. I shouldn't overthink now. I was already feeling depressed enough. Besides it wasn't my place to worry about his feelings, because I had never even told him about mine.

I was nearing the library's door, when it suddenly opened and out came Gaby, Thomas and a grim-looking John. They all stopped when they saw me looking at them questioningly. "Hello, Anna," Gaby said, grimacing a bit guiltily.

"What happened here?", I asked, frowning at them.

Gaby and Thomas gave each other a side-eyed look. "Um... we thought we should interrogate Johnathan after hearing about what was going on with Elisa...", Gaby said hesitantly.

Oh no. Did they tell him about the Rutherford's business? Looking at John, I could see that what he had been told was not pleasant. I gritted my teeth in frustration. Didn't they know how to keep their mouth shut? But I didn't know exactly what they told him, so I took a few steps, grabbed Thomas' sleeve and used it to push him inside the library.

Turning around, I said to Gaby, "You two can go back to the ball. I'm going to have a little chat with your brother."

And to John, I said comfortingly, "Don't worry too much, John. Whatever they told you, I'll make things alright for you."

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