Author's note

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Hi friends,

Thanks for clicking on my book!

I'm very excited to post my first story on Wattpad! Buckle up, because it's gonna be an adventure, with a few secrets, action, drama and of course a bit of romance.

I certainly hope you like it, but please don't be rude in the comments if there's something you don't like.

English isn't my first language, so you may find some mistakes. Please be kind and notify them to me! My English isn't the best, so my writing will be quite simple, but I'll try my best! :)


All rights reserved

Copyright ©️ 2020 by floto352

No parts of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed by any forms or by any means, including recording, photo-copying, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents or places are products of the author's imagination and are used ficticiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Images, videos and music used in any of the multimedia content posted in this book are the sole property of the respective owners.


Please don't be that person who copies my story and characters I worked so hard on. I will not hesitate to report you if you do. Also, this book has only been published on Wattpad, so if you are reading it on any other platform, it has been stolen and I would be very thankful if you informed me!

With that said, I imagined my story happening in a french speaking country, but not the real France, and that's why a lot of characters will have French first names (though many of them are used in English too).

It will be happening around the 18th century [but without wigs ;)]. I am not an historian, so it is very likely that you'll find things that don't match the reality (including the pictures). ...But it's a fictional world and I imagined my story that way. Though, I'll still try my best to make it as realistic as possible.

Edit: I am currently editing my chapters one by one, but it's only minor editing. That means the storyline is not changed at all and only mistakes are corrected. Also, please be aware that the early chapters do not represent me as a writer today, as it is my first book and I had no experience at the beginning (obviously). I am however not making big changes, so maybe you will be able to see some progress over the course of the story.


List of the characters, their connections and age:

The Ravenport family:

• Princess Annabelle of Ravenport (mc) : 20

• King Ludwig of Ravenport (Anna's father) : 49

• Princess Marguerite of Ravenport (Anna's sister) : 18 (in the prologue only)

The Tannerson family:

• Princess Lillianne of Tannerson (5th royal child, twins with Chris) : 7

• Prince Christophe of Tannerson (4th royal child, twins with Lily) : 7

• Princess Elizabeth of Tannerson (3rd royal child) : 16

• Prince Gabriel of Tannerson (2nd royal child) : 18

• Crown prince Thomas of Tannerson (1st royal child) : 22

• Queen Rosalie of Tannerson (married to Sebastien, and mother of the royal children) : 48

• King Sebastien of Tannerson (married to Rosalie, father of the royal children) : 50

The Rutherford family:

• Lord Louis of Rutherford (Lord of his lands at a young age, twins with Jacob) : 25

• Lord Jacob of Rutherford (twins with Louis) : 25

• Lady Amelia of Rutherford (mother of Dahlia and Johnathan) : 45

• Lady Dahlia of Rutherford (sister of Johnathan, daughter of Amelia) : 19

• Lord Johnathan of Rutherford (brother of Dahlia, son of Amelia) : 17

• Lord Richard of Rutherford (father of Joséphine, Daphnée and Désirée) : 50

• Lady Joséphine of Rutherford (sister of Daphnée and Désirée, daughter of Richard) : 24

• Lady Daphnée of Rutherford (sister of Joséphine and Désirée, daughter of Richard) : 23

• Lady Désirée of Rutherford (sister of Joséphine and Daphnée, daughter of Richard) : 22

Other important characters:

Lisbeth (Anna's employer) : 38

• Lady Michelle (friends with Anna) : 21

• Lady Johanna (twins with Fabian) : 22

• Lord Fabian (twins with Johanna, best friends with Thomas) : 22

I hope that helps with the names!


Started: 30.08.2020
Finished: 04.11.2021

Cover from: ishizinver

Thanks for choosing to read my book! I hope it meets your expectations!! ♡



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