♡ Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 (Edited)

After the afternoon walk and the afternoon tea, I went to practice my pieces on the harp, for tomorrow night. I chose my favorite pieces and the ones I remembered the best.

When I finished, I decided to play a piece with lyrics, since I could only sing in my training sessions. I allowed myself to forget everything while playing. It was like my escape. I hit the last note, feeling very satisfied and relaxed, I tilted the harp back in its place, with a small smile on my face.

"I didn't know you could sing too," a voice said near the door.

I gasped and looked at the door to find Thomas leaning on it. Thank God, I thought. I didn't want anyone else to get suspicious of me.

But I tensed when I met his gaze. He looked at me so intently I thought I could burn right there and then.

He slowly took deliberate steps towards me. "I came here because I wanted to talk to you," he said, his eyes searching my face as if to figure me out.

He took another few steps. "Then I found out you could sing, quite beautifully, I must admit," he continued, "Which, in addition to your perfect dancing, adds to my list of things you didn't tell anyone."

I froze and felt myself break a sweat. What had the queen told him? Did she say I could tell him? Or did she deny any suspicion of his? It would be the first time in six years I would have to tell someone my real identity. Was it really a good idea? I had so much doubts and thoughts that I didn't notice him crossing the room to stand in front of me.

"I talked to my mother and she said you could tell me," he said softly.

I raised my head, "Are you sure?"


I stood up and turned away from him. I looked out of the window, my eyes unfocused. "But what if you're just telling me that to make me tell you? What if knowing that information brings you into danger?"

I felt hands gently take my shoulders to turn me around. He had a small frown as he paused for a thoughtful moment, after which he trailed his hands down my arms to take mine and met my gaze. "I swear on my honor that the queen gave you the permission. And you don't have to worry about me, I can defend myself well enough," he said with a small smile in the end.

I let my eyes search his face for any sign of untruthfulness. "Promise me not to tell anyone."

He did not hesitate. "I promise, even if my life depends on it."

I bit the inside of my cheek. I couldn't back out anyway. And, he wouldn't betray his word, right?... "Fine then." I took a deep breath and braced myself.

"IamtheprincessAnnabelleofRavenport.", I said as fast as I could, as if it could cover up the significance of my name.


I grinned sheepishly. Well, then, not so fast. "I am the Princess Annabelle of Ravenport.", I repeated more calmly.

He inhaled sharply and widened his eyes. "One of the lost princesses of Ravenport?"


He was now rooted in his place and looked completely taken aback. "You... you hid from everyone by being a maid...", a look of deep understanding then overtook his expression, "I understand now... It makes sense. I thought you died in the fire..."

"No, my sister Marguerite and I ran away in a carriage, but the Rutherfords found us. I managed to escape, but they took Marguerite...", I said, and felt tears welling up in my eyes.

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