♡ Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 (Edited)

I had finished packing my things in my small luggage early in the morning. Now I stood in my cavalry outfit in the stables, stroking Belle, and waiting for Thomas. Someone had already cleaned and saddled her and Apollo.

I was a little apprehensive about going on a trip where we didn't even know what we were looking for, but I tried to stay positive. I had taken my mother's necklace with me, in case I would need it. I was very grateful that Thomas came with me because, although I had always travelled alone, it would be nice to have someone to go with me. That someone being Thomas was even better, of course.

The stables' door opened up and Thomas strolled in, his face lighting up when he saw me with the horses. He grinned when I waved at him in greetings.

"Are you ready to go?", he asked when he came to stand beside Apollo.

"Yes, I'm all set," I replied.

"Great," he said while unknotting the rope tying Apollo to the wall, which I mimicked for Belle.

"Uhm Thomas?", I asked hesitantly.


"I would need some help. Like last time." Technically, I could ask for a stool, but I would not let such an opportunity pass.

He looked over at me, paused, and released a tense breath. Then he looked at my saddle disapprovingly. "Of course. Of course you would want to ride astride."

I laugh quietly. "I couldn't help it."

He rolled his eyes, but I saw that he wasn't really upset. He came to my side and asked, while I was getting ready to jump, "Like last time?"

"Like last time." He nodded his head determined, and I jumped. He quickly put my foot into the stirrup, and I put my balance on it. Then, he took me by my waist and pushed me up. I was careful this time with my skirts, so they still covered a great part of my leg. When I finally sat properly, I tucked my skirts under the front of the saddle, and then smiled at him gratefully. "Thank you, Thomas," I said.

"You're welcome," he replied, returning my smile.

He then got onto Apollo, and we made our way to the gates.

"Did you take the book?", I asked.


"And a map so we don't get lost?"


"And some food too, if we are hungry?"


"And you know exactly where we are going right now?"

"Yes, Anna! Don't worry, I thought about everything. And if I didn't, I'm sure my mother did."

"...Alright, but it's not my fault if we forget something then."

"Yes, yes, I know. I'm the Crown prince, remember? People would help me if I need anything."

"That reminds me! Can we go to the nearest village for a quick visit to some of my friends?"

"What? You want to go to a village?", he asked skeptically.

"Yes, it has been quite some time since I last saw them!", I said excitedly.

"Oh yes... that's right. You must have many acquaintances there," he said.

"Let's go then!", I exclaimed and started trotting, passing through the gates and shooting the guards a grin, when they looked at me with a small scowl.

"Wait!", I heard Thomas behind me.

I turned around to look at him and he asked, coming to a trot beside me, "You have your necklace?"

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