♡ Chapter 9

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A/N: The normal keys of the pianoforte are dark and the keys in between are white, because that was how it was in the 18th century. It's due the fact that they used candles, so it was more difficult to see. They made the keys in between white, so they could be seen more easily.

Chapter 9 (Edited)

When Lola was gone, I decided to try the pianoforte first.

I walked towards it and sat on the chair. I looked at the keys and placed my hands on the keyboard. I pressed a few keys and played a few tonal chords. I quickly remembered the feelings in my fingers. I think it's something that I'll never forget, I thought.

I decided to play an easy piece that I knew I could play perfectly six years ago. I closed my eyes and concentrated. Then I started playing. At first, I had to concentrate a lot, to try to remember the piece exactly. I stopped a few times and replayed a few parts repeatedly to memorize them. When I reached the end of the piece, I didn't feel satisfied, so I played it again, this time with minimal mistakes. I smiled to myself. Progress.

I played the piece a third time, but this time I let my emotions in and let myself flow with the music. There it is. The wonderful feeling that I always got when I played music at home. I remembered when I played my pieces with my teacher. When I trained for hours because I wanted to play a certain piece perfectly. When I played, and Marguerite was sitting near me and listening, then complimenting me when I did good. Or when I played small concerts and then the proud face of my father when I finished.

I hit the last note of my piece and noticed the wet feeling of my cheeks. I knew I had played the piece perfectly, like I did at home, and felt satisfied of myself. I wiped my tears away.

My teacher always told me that enjoying the music you are playing is the most important thing. I always took his advice to heart and stopped when I didn't want to play anymore. I knew that this was the best way to avoid the frustration. But I enjoyed playing a lot so sometimes, I could play for hours.

I decided to try the harp next.

I went over to the beautiful instrument and admired it for a moment. Then I sat on the stool and tilted it, so it laid on my shoulder. I positioned my hands and picked a few strings with my fingers. Almost automatically, I remembered my favorite piece and began playing. It was a beautiful piece, that Marguerite taught me. She also played the harp, even better than me. Sometimes, we would do small concerts together on the harp, and then with me on the violin and her on the cello. We played a lot of duets, and our father was always proud of us.

I smiled when I finished. It was easier than I had thought. I decided to play another beautiful piece, but with lyrics this time.

I went over to the pianoforte, to play while doing my usual singing-exercises and warm up my voice. When I was finished, I took the harp again and started playing and singing.

Singing satisfied me so much that I ended up singing with a large smile, which made it a bit more difficult to sing the high notes. I had forgotten the sensations of singing. They were simply the best sensations. It was so satisfying when I hit the right note on the melody, that I ended up with tears welling up in my eyes again.

I spent the rest of the morning playing different pieces that I remembered, and occasionally singing. I didn't tell the queen that I could sing and could play the violin, so I would have to keep it for the training sessions.


I was so engrossed in my music, that I didn't notice when Lola came in.

"That was really amazing," she said a bit emotionally, surprising me with her voice.

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