♡ Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 (Edited)

After lunch with Michelle, I went to the library to meet Elisa, Gaby and Thomas. It was empty when I arrived, and I still had a few minutes left before they would come.

I decided to continue reading the book about the secret of my kingdom. I didn't know if any of it was true, but it was worth giving it a chance.

I looked for the book in the shelves until I found it. It really looked like an old, not-interesting book, with nothing but the title on the cover. The secret of the kingdom of Ravenport. How intriguing. I opened the first page with the paragraph I read yesterday, and turned to the next page. I read on.

'The one wanting to be the True Ruler of the kingdom must possess: the key, the rose and the map. These three items are essential for the quest. If any of these items are not in their possession, they cannot progress. This book doesn't include the location of the goal; it figures on the map. The key is necessary to access the goal. The rose is needed to recognize the identity of the one holding it.

To commence, this message must be decrypted: '

The rest of the page was what seemed to be an old Celtic dead language. The words didn't even seem to be clear sentences. I had to find a way to know what was written. If my father still had difficulties regaining his throne, this could be the solution and end this whole feud. The first page of the book even said it: 'It is made for times of war for the throne, so it can determine who the True Ruler of the kingdom is.'

It was in this moment that the door opened. I quickly placed the book back in its place and turned around, trying my best to look composed. Gaby and Thomas came in, one offering me a grin and the other narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"Hello Gaby, Thomas!", I greeted them with a smile.

They greeted me back and we went to sit on the couches. Elisa walked in shortly after and went to sit next to me. "Guess what mother just told me," she said with a smirk.

"What?", Gaby asked.

"There's a ball in three days!"

"What? Why?"

She rolled her eyes. "For you, Tommy."

"Don't call me that."

"I know," she said grinning.

"But why would there be a ball for me?"

"Well, you know, mother told me that girls of age of the most noble families are going to be here first. They want to have an advantage on the others by coming to meet you earlier. And there will also be princesses of other kingdoms."

"...What?", Thomas said dumbfounded, opening his eyes wide.

"Yes! Aren't you excited?", she asked smirking more widely.

"Uhm, no."

"Well, too bad. It's going to happen."

Thomas sighed. Elisa turned towards me.

"And you, Anna, I choose you to accompany me!"

"Me? Why?"

"Because you're my friend," she said in obvious tone, "And I have to have someone accompanying me. I cannot go on my own," she said huffing.

I laughed. "Don't worry. I'll be watching you."

"No you don't have to!", she said a bit exasperated. "I'll be dancing with handsome gentlemen...", she sighed dreamily.

"No you won't," Thomas interjected. "You're just 16, Elisa. You can't marry at that age. That's too young to search for a husband on balls."

"I know! But it will be a training for the years to come!"

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