♡ Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 (Edited)

Thomas and I arrived at the hills and he stopped. "Do you want to try galloping?", he asked.

I hesitated, "Yes, if you think I did well enough to do it."

He nodded. "I think you can do it, just don't be intimidated by the speed. You really have to hold onto the horse with your legs so you don't lose your balance. And don't grip the reins too hard; it will cause the horse to slow down."

I took a deep breath. "Alright then. I'll try."

We started walking again, and then went into a fast trot. When Thomas gave me the signal, I lightly kicked Belle again and then suddenly, I was galloping. I shrieked and held onto the saddle for my dear life, caught off guard with the speed and the different steps Belle was taking. After I while, I started regaining my balance and moving accordingly to Belle.

It was truly exhilarating. The wind made my hair fly around my face with the speed we were racing at. I had a large smile as I enjoyed the feeling. I quickly regained control over the reins and looked at where Thomas was. He was galloping not too far behind me and flashed me a grin when he saw me turn around.

I squealed and laughed happily at the feeling. This was the best freeing feeling I have ever had. Soon enough, Thomas and Apollo were galloping beside me. Thomas shot me a challenging look with a smirk. He kicked Apollo and passed by me quickly. I raised my eyebrows, accepting the challenge and kicked Belle again, racing to catch up with him.


We kept racing each other like this until the sun was far up in the sky. I took a look at the endless hills, grinned widely and raced back towards the entrance of the forest far away, Thomas following me.

We slowed down at the edge of the forest. "So, how was it?", Thomas asked with a small grin.

"It was amazing! Really, truly amazing!! I'm definitely going to do it again," I exclaimed.

He chuckled softly. "Right?", he said in agreement, "I figured you would say that."

"Well, it was real fun. Oh, and I'm also definitely taking Belle as my horse," I assured him.

"Alright, then. I'll get you a harness and a saddle just for her. But you have to know, it will be a side-saddle," he said with a final tone. But I ignored it.

"Noo! Not a side-saddle! I'm barely keeping my balance on it!", I argued and he shot me a look, opening his mouth to retort.


When we arrived, Thomas had finally and very reluctantly agreed to get me a normal saddle and a side-saddle, for appearance. He was grumpy for a while after, while I was smiling in triumph.

Once we arrived at the stables, we both climbed down our horses and attached them to the wall. A squire came rushing to Thomas, bowed and unsaddled Apollo. Not long after, Belle and Apollo were cleaned and in their box.

Thomas and I walked back to the palace, my mind still on our conversation from earlier. Suddenly, a thought occurred me. I stopped in my tracks and turned to Thomas, who turned to face me and looked at me questioningly.

"Thomas, I have something very important to show you," I said in a very quiet, consiprational voice. You never know, I thought, Walls have ears.

Intrigued, he asked, "What is it?"

I looked around to make sure no one was there and explained, "You know, when you found me reading yesterday and the day before in the library, I was reading a very interesting book over a forgotten secret of my kingdom. It could change everything in the situation my father is in."

Thomas' eyes widened in astonishment. "I definitely have to see that book," he said, surprised.

I nodded. "I would like to know what you think about it. Besides the queen, you're the only one who knows about my situation."

"Right. But we have to make sure no one sees us. Meet me half an hour after dinner in the library. Nobody will be there at this hour."

"What am I hearing here?", Gaby said with a quite shocked expression as he rounded the corner. It soon disappeared into an all-knowing smirk. "I must admit, I'm quite surprised, Tommy. I thought I was the only one that didn't care about decency."

I felt my cheeks grow warm at his insinuation. "It's not like that!", I quickly denied.

"And it's none of your damn business," Thomas added, glaring daggers at his brother.

Gaby laughed, his eyes twinkling and totally unfazed by Thomas look. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But don't forget what father told you about you finding a queen, right Tommy?", he said with a more serious tone in the end.

"It's really nothing like that, Gaby. And of course I didn't forget, if it's any of your concern," he said, and rolled his eyes, "How could I forget anyway..."

Gaby smirked again and mumbled, "Whatever you say."

"Just so I know, how much did you hear?", I suddenly asked Gaby.

He looked at me, surprised by my question. "Just what Thomas said. Why? Are you hiding something else?"

"No, of course not," I laughed, relieved, "It's really not important. Don't worry about it."

Gaby frowned a bit, but let the matter drop. Suddenly, his face brightened. "Let's go eat lunch! I'm starving!"


After lunch, I went to see Lily and Chris, and told them a few stories. I hadn't seen them since I arrived at the palace, and I found it always fun to spend time with them.

After the afternoon walk and tea, which I spend mostly talking to Michelle and Elisa, who had in between already become friends, I went to the instrument room to practice my pieces for tonight's dinner.

Elisa had let me borrow a beautiful dress again, which I was really grateful for. Lola had made a complicated braid with my long brown hair with expert skill, and did my usual light make-up. As I entered the dining room, I made my way to the beautiful harp, which was in the same place as the pianoforte last time. I sat on the chair and folded my hands in my lap. I noticed the stares, but ignored them and repeated my pieces in my mind.

When the royal family came, all the attention went towards them. The queen saw me first and sent me a warm smile, which made me smile in return. I also caught the eye of Elisa, Gaby and Thomas, and we all grinned at each other. I even saw the king look at me and then at his children questioningly.

Since I was already presented to the court two days ago, I didn't have a piece to play in front of everyone, which relaxed me a little.

Soon, dinner was served and I started playing.

I caught Thomas stealing glances at me, and it flustered me to no end. But despite the blush I was sure stained my cheeks, I managed to stay concentrated through the whole dinner. When it was over, I caught the eyes of Thomas and sent him a meaningful look. He gave me a tiny nod in response. I quietly escaped to the library and waited for him to come.


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