♡ Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

The room was in a complete silence. Both the blacksmith and the jeweler's eyes flashed to the sword and the crown, and paused for a moment. My hands tightened a little. Although I would unintentionally shiver from anticipation, I was pretty confident about the authenticity of the secret, as I had found it myself after all.

The blacksmith's eyes widened considerably in disbelief and admiration as he stared at the sword held in my hands and his lips parted a little when he carefully took it in his own.

While the jeweler's face didn't change his expression, I could still see that he didn't get to see such an item often, with his slow and careful movements when my father passed him the crown.

But what made me almost smile was when the blacksmith's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when he read the name of the sword, and he gaped at it for quite a long time. Snapping out of it after a while, he brought the blade closer to inspect it further, and lightly ran his fingers over the incrusted rose on the guard, as well as the key in the form of a stamp on the pommel.

At the same time, the jeweler held the crown at his eye-level and turned it around with a thoughtful look on his face. But what made his eyes slightly widen, were the words True Ruler inside of the golden structure, and he stared at the marking for a few seconds before giving a quick glance to my father.

After a few more minutes, the blacksmith and the jeweler gave the items back to my father and me, and then turned to face Lord Erlenwind and the lords, who had surprisingly stayed quiet during their examination.

"So, what can you say about these items? Are they falsified?", Lord Erlenwind asked, the slight scowl still on his face.

The blacksmith answered first, "This sword is an absolutely precious one, as it is to my knowledge the sword of the first king of Ravenport. It was insanely well conserved, but I have seen traces of its old age thanks to the techniques they used to make swords back then. It was different from nowadays, but just as efficient on well-made swords like this one. The angle of the blade is not constructed exactly like the one on our swords, but a bit flatter, as well as the tip, which is sharper. That was how the royal family used to make their swords back then in order to identify them from other swords. This sword in particular is so finely made that I don't think any blacksmith in the kingdom would be able to recreate such a treasure."

A thoughtful silence ensued among the lords. Not many were still frowning, but Lord Erlenwind was visibly displeased and asked, "And the crown?"

"This crown...", answered the jeweler, "is the most spectacular crown I have ever seen, especially for its age. It's at least hundreds of years old, because this shape of jewels was only made around the time of the first king of Ravenport. Look at the diamond in the middle, it is chiseled in a way nobody of our era could imitate, which proves its old age. So, from this observation, and the fact that it resembles greatly the one on the painting, I can deduce that this was the crown of the first king of Ravenport."

Another silence followed, which was eventually broken by Lord Canterbury. "This is the crown of the painting?", he asked, as if to confirm.

"Yes, the overall form of the crown is the same, as well as the different jewels encrusted in it. Even the order of the jewels is the same, from what I can remember."

"So, the crown is the authentic one, as it was worn by the first king of Ravenport. What about the sword, can you remember it being on the painting?"

The blacksmith replied, "Yes, it is on the painting as well, I can remember. It's easily recognizable with the platinum rose encrusted in it."

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