♡ Epilogue

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My inspiration for the wedding dress ^^


I gritted my teeth as Lola pulled at the corset's strings. "Gnk," was the short sound that came out of my mouth.

"Almost there, my lady."

I nodded and she pulled again, before tying the strings up, and letting me breath. Ugh. Why is it necessary to have it tighter on my wedding day?

"Because you're going to be the center of the attention, my lady."

Did I speak aloud? I guess I did.

"Erm, yes, I know..." My stomach twisted into knots at the thought.

It was my wedding day, a bit more than an hour before the start of the ceremony. And every noble from neighbor kingdoms had come. I sighed inwardly. Such pressure. But I guess I'll have to get used to it if I was going to be queen.

It was three weeks after my return at the Tannerson palace, and my slight anxiety at the thought of my upcoming marriage ceremony hadn't calmed down in the least. Luckily, Thomas had managed to convince me that everything was going to go well.

My father had travelled from the Ravenport palace to that of King Sebastien's, and had arrived five days ago. He had spent this time with Thomas's parents mostly, 'to catch up', as he had put it.

Elisa and Michelle had been excited to be my bridesmaids, and Lily to be one of my flower girls. I hadn't chosen a maid in honor, because that place would have been my sister's, and I didn't want to replace her. Gaby, Fabian and Chris were chosen by Thomas to be his groomsmen.

King Sebastien and Queen Rosalie had decided on the palace's church for the ceremony to take place. Then, all the guests would move to the grand ballroom for the evening where we would celebrate properly.

I had let the queen and my bridesmaids argue and then decided which wedding dress I would wear, because I wasn't exactly the best at choosing fashionable outfits, and I trusted their taste more than mine.

Thomas and I had decided that the festivities would only last two days, since we didn't want our wedding to be a huge matter. Unfortunately, the royal couple and my father had extended it to five days. Then, a tour to the biggest towns of the kingdom was planned so our people could meet us and have an idea of who would reign next, before our return to the palace for our coronation. I am going to be exhausted!

Not a moment after Lola had finished my make-up, I heard a knock on my door and the excited chatter of Elisa and Michelle. When Lola opened the door, they barged in with a huge grin and beckoned the seamstress to come in with my wedding gown. My jaw dropped when I saw the magnificent dress.

"That's... that's what I'm going to wear?", I asked in astonishment.

"Of course! Nothing less for a future queen!", Michelle said smiling, staring at the enormous piece of delicately sewn, white and sheer fabric, with her hands on her hips.

"Come on, Anna! Let's put it on!", Elisa said, clapping her hands together.

Half an hour later, I was in my wedding gown, my look finished and my bridesmaids looking at me in wonder. Even Lola gushed with the seamstress' apprentices that had helped putting the many layers on.

"Wow, Anna. My brother won't believe his eyes...", Elisa breathed out, as she stared at the final result.

When I went to the mirror, I couldn't help but let my jaw drop for the second time. I had never looked so beautiful.

The dress was delicate and refined, and was perfectly combined with the sophisticated hairdo of braids and loose curls that Lola had done. Pearls adorned my hair, as well as a diamond tiara, which matched the diamond cascade earrings and the diamond pendant of the chain I was wearing. The bracelets on my wrists were made of pearls that alternated with small diamonds, and my engagement ring with the emerald in the middle was the only colored jewel on my entire self. I wore it over thin white silked gloves, that still allowed me a great flexibility as I fixed the sheer white veil over my head. It hung at least two meters behind me, even further than the train of the dress, which still allowed me to walk comfortably. It also covered the small heels I was wearing, that were adorned with a few ribbons and fixed with a small diamond in the middle. The dress itself was made of a laced off-shoulder bodice, and over the many tulle layers, laid a last beautifully embroided sheer layer.

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