17 (You can live that way too if you wanted to)

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"I have a question" Huening Kai and Yeonjun were in the library studying together. Only that this time Huening Kai couldn't focus on anything other than the blonde in front of him; and a burning thought that has been eating him up for months.

"What is it?" Yeonjun look up from his book, pushing his glasses higher up on the bridge of his nose. His roots were growing out and he wasn't sure if he was going to bleach them or go back to dark.

"Do you remember when I first transferred and you made a bet with that military man?"

"Yeah, and then the whole school got pizza" The blonde smiles fondly at the memory "what about it?"

"Why would you agree to that?"

"I don't know, I felt like it" Kai wasn't satisfied with that answer.

"Bored? you were signing your life away on a bet, do you really not care about your life that much?" Yeonjun stares at his boyfriend with a blank face momentarily before he speaks, a smile ghosting his lips.

"It's because I care about my life so much that I agreed to the bet"


"Let's say I did lose. I would have joined the military, but of course I wouldn't agree to do front line. I'd join and maybe go to Canada for deployment, or see Kangaroos in Australia. I'd meet people and get hella fit. But if I won than I got free pizza and a chance to impress you. Either would have been fine"

"But what if that didn't happen?" Kai was full of questions today

"It didn't happen. I neither impressed you or went to Canada. I did however get pizza and now you're my boyfriend. To be honest I don't know exactly why I did that, but I do know that in life you only get one or two good chances thats why you gotta take them all, because what if your fear or common sense ruins your one big chance?" Yeonjun was much more complex than Kai had originally thought. When the two first met all Kai could think of the blonde was that he was conceited and a jerk. While that might be a bit true in some areas, he was also an interesting boy and while he may have some areas in his soul that need growing, so does everyone else.

"Your life must be so fun with that mindset. To not dwell on consequences but rather anticipate them" Kai begins to scratch at a strawberry sticker placed on his binder.

"You could live that way too if you wanted to"

"You think? I don't know, my anxiety eats me up. I need to prioritize my studies so I can get a good job and help my brother pay off the debts from my parents death, I can't just make bets signing away my life"

"You don't have to go that far-" Yeonjun laughs at his boyfriends seriousness, he decides that is something they will have to work on "-just try something new every once in a while. Whether it be a new shirt style or ice cream flavor. Don't complicate your life more than it has to be" Huening Kai looks at his boyfriends blonde hair. He's notices that Yeonjun has dyed it quite a few times since they met.

"I want to dye my hair"

"Lets do it then"

"Okay.. when should we? I can make an appointment this weekend"

"No, lets do it right now"

"Right now?"

"Yes right now! while the thought is still hot lets do it!"

"B-but what if we can't find any salons with time?"

"Salons? you think I dyed my hair at a salon" The blonde lets out a laugh


"Beomgyu are you sure you know what you're doing?" Kai's heart was beating erratically in his chest. He sat on a wooden chair in Beomgyu's garage with a plastic bag over his chest as a sort of apron.

"Of course, after my mom turned my hair orange I had to figure out how to fix it and I learned a few things here and there, plus its not like you're bleaching the whole thing" Huening Kai is spontaneous but he was too nervous to do the whole head of hair, so instead he settled for the front strands of his bangs. It was too late to go back, the bleach was already in.

"Did you ever fix your moms car?" Yeonjun asks the self taught stylist.

"Nope, that thing was D E A D as fuck, I ended up selling it for 200 bucks and my mom put it in my adult fund" Beomgyu says

"Adult fund? Kai questions

"Yeah its like a college fund but I'll just get it when I move out to help me with whatever I wanna do" Beomgyu explains

"She sounds cool" Kai says "Is she home right now?"

"No she went to Tokyo to find my dad and get my child support money and his car- okay its time to rinse off!"


"Thanks a lot for doing this on such short notice" Yeonjun thanks his friend as the two wait in the living room for Kai to return.

"It's about time he does something like this, that dudes my best friend but he takes himself a bit too serious sometimes"

"He's too serious and I'm not serious enough" Yeonjun laughs

"You two compliment each other. You know I used to think you were really cool and scary like a celebrity but you're not like that at all"

"Uh thanks?"

"You're welcome" Beomgyu smiles at his friend "I'm going to go check on him"

Fifteen minutes later the two return. Kai has his head down at first but shyly lifts up his head to show his new hair style

 Kai has his head down at first but shyly lifts up his head to show his new hair style

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"How does it look?" Kai asks

"I'm so lucky that you're my boyfriend" Yeonjun blushes at his words. He's never said anything so embarrassing out loud and quickly changes the subject "you did a good job Beomgyu! You should start charging people"

"But not me don't charge me I'm broke" Huening Kai says

"We'll pay you back with lunch" Yeonjun says

"And be 3rd wheel? As if, just get me a date with one of your hot friend Yeonjun and we'll be even"

"Boy or girl?"

"Either or" Beomgyu smiles happily

"I'll see what I can do" Beomgyus phone vibrates. He takes out his phone and checks the message

"As much as I love your company I need you all to leave because my mom just texted me and apparently she forgot to close the snake cage so four snakes are loose right now and I need to find them"

"BYE!" Kai is deathly afraid of snakes. He grabs Yeonjuns wrist and the two run out. The two run under the hot sun, the sky clear of clouds. The breeze goes through their hair and Yeonjun can only think one thing

I'm so happy

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