11 (Everything you say sounds lovely)

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"Aw man I'm so tired" Dean drops his head.

"Because you stayed up all night with Yeonjun to play video games" Vivian didn't feel sorry for her friend.

"The bastard looks fine though!" Dean says bitterly. He was right, Yeonjun may have stayed up to the late hours before dawn but he was sparkling and looked refreshed.

"It's cause I wash my face" Yeonjun teases. The three were walking to class, it was early morning before the first bell. The air was frosty, winter showing no signs of ending anytime soon.

Something catches the attention of the blue haired boy- more like someone.

"I'll catch up with you guys in class!" He waves half heartedly to his friends and jogs off.

Huening Kai was sitting on a bench, his head down in his phone. Yeonjun sneaks up behind him and sees him playing temple run. Luckily for Yeonjun, the boy was so concentrated to beat his high score that he didn't notice the blue haired boy staring.
Kais nose and cheeks were rosy pink from the cold, his curly hair fell over his forehead and slightly in his eyes. Though he wore a coat his teeth were chattering.

"Whatcha doing?" Yeonjun asks. Kai looks up startled. The blue haired boy is looking down at him, snowflakes falling softly.

"I'm playing a game- that you made me lose" Huening Kai says.

"But why in the cold?" Huening Kai didn't want to admit that in his time being here he's only made three friends, and is still too shy to walk into school alone. So, for that reason he waits on the bench for Beomgyu every morning.

"I like the snow" Huening Kai panics and says the first thing in his head.

"Oh yeah? That's cool"

"But I was actually going to go inside right now" Kai continues.

"Hey me too! We should- um we should go to class together" Yeonjun still was on edge around Kai, he didn't want to say or do anything stupid again.

"Yeah sure" Kai stands up. The blue haired boy is excited to have this chance to have alone time with-

"WHAAAAA WATCH OUT!!" Beomgyu yells out, he was riding his roller skates towards the two but he didn't see a rock and flung out towards them.

Luckily, Yeonjun grabbed the back of Beomgyus coat, stopping him from slamming his face on the cement.

"Are you okay?" Huening Kai asks his friend.

"Yeah I'm fine, Uh thanks Yeonjun" Beomgyu grabs his skate board and turns to the pair with an excited smile.

"Is there something different about you?" Yeonjun asks rhetorically.

Beomgyu wore a dark jacket and a black beanie tucked over all of his hair.

"Oh well, I might have done something to my hair" he casually takes off his beanie.

Silence follows after the reveal of Beomgyus orange hair.

"So? What do you think?" Beomgyu asks.

"It's... orange" Kai says.

"I think it looks chill man, you're going for like a Naruto hair look right?"

"Naruto has yellow hair" Beomgyu corrects with a sigh.

"Mmm are you sure about that?" Yeonjun is skeptical.

"Yes, why would naruto have orange hair that would be weird"

"So you're admitting orange hair looks weird?"

"Beomgyu why the fuck do you have orange hair?" Taehyun asks bluntly, approaching the group with Soobin at his side.

"My mom wants to go to cosmetology school give me a break" The orange haired boy mutters bitterly. The boy huffs out and skates towards the entrance but almost falls again. This time Soobin and Taehyun hold onto the boy and the three start to head in first leaving Yeonjun and Kai behind.

"Shall we?"

"Ugh I guess" Huening Kai hates school.

"Haha you don't sound too enthusiastic" Yeonjun says as the two head inside.

"Should I be? It's school after all"

"Ohh Mr Huening Kai, I would have thought you loved school from the way you take it seriously"

"I have to, my brother keeps track of my grades with an app. The second my grade drops he's messaging me and I'd rather not be lectured" the two were inside the school now, each of them began removing their coats because it was way hot inside compared to outside.

"Haha Soobins family also has the app, but as long as he gets Cs they're fine"

"What about your family? Do they have the app?"

"Nah, they don't really worry about that kind of stuff"

"What do they worry about then?"

"The lottery, church, global warming, the fact that there's not enough cats in the world for every person to own one" He was being completely serious but Huening Kai let out laugh, a sound that caused Yeonjuns heart to warm up.

"They sound lovely"

Everything you say sounds lovely the blue haired boy thinks.

They enter the classroom, Beomgyu already seated and talking to the classmates that sat near; talking about his hair. Soobin hasn't arrived yet but that was probably cause he walked Taehyun to class.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at lunch?" Huening Kai says.

"Yeah!" Yeonjun says with glee. His crush smiles once more and goes to his seat. The blue haired boy goes to his seat as well, his heart a racing mess and his thoughts jumbled.

Huening Kai had the same feelings, though not as intense as Yeonjun's.


"I'm going to dye it dark" Beomgyu says during lunch.

"Your scalp is begging you to" Taehyun says as he opens his carton of milk.

"I think orange looks nice" Huening Kai says

"Stop lying to me." Beomgyu says seriously.

"Lying about what?" Soobin joins the group and takes a seat next to Taehyun.

Kai notices that Yeonjun isn't with him. He looks around for the blue haired boy but doesn't find him.

He wants to ask Soobin where his cousin is but for some reason he's too shy.

Then Yeonjun joins. The blue haired boy takes a seat.

"Ah where were you?" Beomgyu asks what Kai is too afraid to say.

"I was getting milk, why? You missed me?" Yeonjun teases

"Oh, totally" Beomgyu rolls his eyes.

Meanwhile, Huening Kai notices Yeonjuns tray

Specifically, the pink milk.

Yeonjun notices Kai staring. His face heats up.

"Don't judge me, it's actually good" Yeonjun looks away with a red face while he opens his milk.

Huening Kai isn't judging, but he feels happy being next to Yeonjun.

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