1 (It's HUENING Kai)

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The sound of Kai's footsteps made more sound than he would have liked.

"Our school is two separate buildings, the underclassmen stay in the other and you'll stay in this one. The cafeteria is in the other building and courtyard is open for lunch, and this is your classroom, wait right here so I can tell the teacher about your transfer"

Huening Kai smiled at the guide and nodded his head; staying back as the guide entered the classroom.

'So these are my new classmates' Kai looked inside. It looked like just an ordinary class with lively students.

his brother got a job in a different and was finally able to move them into a new place; out of their small two bedrooms apartment, and as a result, he had to move schools. It was close to their old place, just in a different district. On the plus side, his best friend Taehyun attends this school, though sadly they didn't end up in the class.

"Of course he's going to come!" a student yells out loud. Kai turns his attention to the group in the back of the class. It seemed like they were all talking to the dark-haired boy-  or at least that's what they intended. The boy wasn't interested in anything that they had to say. Not even when the girl talked to him directly.

"Okay, you can go in now. Good luck" The guide took Kai's attention off his peers. Kai called out a thank you as the guide passed him and entered the classroom, heading straight to the teacher.

"Hi, i'm Mr Sens" The teacher held out his hand.

"Huening Kai" Kai returned the handshake.

"OKAY CLASS LISTEN UP! today we have a new transfer student" Mr Sens motions Kai to introduce himself.

"Hello, my name is Huening Kai, please take care of me"

Kai bowed and took a seat in front of the class. He feels like someone is staring at him but he assumes its because he's new and ignores it.


Twice a month each class went to the library to check out books at the library. The school had a contest to see who could read the most books in a month. Yeonjun places first when he feels like it. One of his many talents is being able to finish any book in a matter of hours.

Yeonjun chose a random book from the shelves, and so did his friends. Him, Soobin and a few boys from their class sat a table together screwing around. They were laughing but trying to keep their voices down since they just got a harsh glare from the librarian.

Though, Yeonjun wasn't fully paying attention to the immature jokes his friends were telling. His attention kept drifitng, which wasn't unusual- except that his attention kept drifting off to the same thing- or rather, person.

Huening Kai had been looking for the right book since the class had entered the library. Yeonjun thought that Kai looked really pretty. His uniform was neatly pressed, and his tie was perfectly tied and snug around his neck, a total contrast from Yeonjun who didn't even button up his shirt and had his tie hung loosely around his neck.

Kai would grab a book and look through it's pages before he would put it back on the shelf. The actions themselves sound pretty basic, but Huening Kai was doing it in a way that was just so... pretty.

Yeonjun couldn't handel it anymore. He had to talk to the boy. Without a word to his friends, Yeonjun gets up from the table and makes his way to Huening Kai, who had dissapeared deep in the book shelves.

It took a few seconds to find him, but Huening Kai was found holding a copy of The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn. He had read it already but was deciding if he wanted to read it again.

"Hi, you're kai right?" Yeonjun asked.

"It's Huening Kai, and hi to you too" Kai politely smiled and went back to flipping through the pages of the book.

"If you need help finding your way around then I could help you! I know this place like-"

"Thank you, but the guide did a good job at showing me around. Plus the school is smaller than my last, so I should be able to find my way easily" Huening Kai smiled. He shut the book that he was holding and began making his way to check out.

Yeonjun was puzzled. He never had someone flat out reject him like that- or ever.

He went back to his friends, now in a grumpy mood.


Yeonjun was making his way to the lunch room. Soobin on his right and Vivian on his left. Vivian had been talking nonstop about something that he wasn't ever listening to. The boy had his hands dug deep in the jeans of his uniform pockets as he walked with a bored dazed look on his face.

He couldn't stop thinking about Huening Kai. He didn't want to take the rejection to heart- after all, maybe Kai really didn't need help. Still, he was anew student, wouldn't he be excited to make new friends? he couldn't wrap his head around it.

Then, as if by fate, or chance, he saw Huening kai. The boy was in front of a vending machine getting bread. He had his earbuds in and was bobbing his head to the music playing.

Yeonjun picke dup his pace, leaving both Vivian and Soobin behind.

"Hey!" Yeonjun said loud enough so that Kai would hear through his music. Huening Kai removed one ear bud and raised a brow at him.

"Do you wanna sit with me and my friends? we have a really good spot in the cafeteria where the teachers can't hear anything we say"

"Thank you, but I'm already eating with somebody else" Huening Kai smiled politely and out his ear bud back in his ear and walked around Yeonjun.

This was his second time being rejected by Huening Kai.

Yeonjun was shocked, and more determined than ever.

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