15 (She has some issues)

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"Beomgyu have you ever confessed your love to somebody before?" Huening Kai stood in Beomgyus cold garage. His friend torso deep into the hood of the car making it look like he was being swallowed. Kai didn't know much about cars and all he could tell was that Beomgyu was pulling and hitting stuff and it didn't sound healthy.

"Ehh?" Beomgyu stands up straight and looks at his friend. Oil smudged on his right cheek "well my old neighbor used to make really good tamales so I would skip moms dinner to go over and eat there"

Huening Kai waited for the story to continue but an awkward silence made him think other wise

"Okay that helped nothing"

"Yeah I figured, but who are you trying to confess to?"

"Ah... Y-Yeonjun"

"Nice! Finally you two will stop looking like lost puppies when you're around each other" Beomgyu pulls out a rubber chicken from deep inside the car hood "oh so this is what was making the noise" he tosses the chicken off to the side and shuts the hood.

"Should I ask why there's a rubber chicken in your moms car?"

"She has some issues"

"Ah I see.."

"So when are you going to confess?"

"That's the thing.. I don't know how to confess"

"Well didn't you used to have a boyfriend? How did that happen"

"He confessed to me" Huening Kai says "and I already rejected Yeonjun so I doubt he'll confess to me again... maybe he doesn't even like me anymore"

"Mmm he definitely likes you. Truthfully i've never liked anyone before so this whole love concept is foreign to me. Maybe you should ask Taehyun?"

"hey is the hood supposed to be smoking like that?"



Huening Kai was at home, sitting on his couch watching cartoons. A large bowl of potato chips laid on his lap-which he was happily munching on.

Unlike him, his brothers actually had lives and were out of town. Taehyung gone for 3 days and Namjoon a week.


His phone beside him starts ringing. He grabs it and answers it without even checking the caller ID.

"Henlooo" Kai crumples a bunch of potato chips in his fists into crumbs and fills his mouth with it.

"Hey" Yeonjuns voice startles the boy. Huening Kai jumps up -spilling the bowl of chips in the process- and runs his hand through his hair nervously. The poor boy just showered but already has chip crumbs in his curly locks.

"H-hey what's up?"

"I came to a hot springs with some of my friends, but we got kicked out for playing too much so I'm waiting for them to finish changing"

"You shouldn't give the owners too much trouble"

"Haha I never thought of it that way" it had been 5 days since Huening Kai has last spoken to Yeonjun- 7 days since he's seen him. The curly haired boy hated that winter break was a whole month.

Currently, he was refraining from face palming himself. Here he was wanting to confess but instead he's scolding his crush.

"H-how is your break?" Kai quickly changes subjects. He feels anxious so he begins to aimlessly walk around his house.

"Fun I guess, what about yours?"

Kai glances back at the spilt bowl of potato chips and TV screen that was playing reruns of some colorful cartoon characters.

"Oh it's been totally wild" he lies

"Cool! What have you done?" The blonde questions over the phone.

"Uh I-I went sky diving, and skinny dipping and I got my fortune read by a witch" Lies. It was all lies.

Truthfully, all Huening Kai has done is watch TV and hang out with Beomgyu and Taehyun- even then nothing much exciting happened.

How could Kai tell Yeonjun this? The blonde was an exciting daredevil, it would be embarrassing and make him look lame if he was honest.

"Daaaang you've been skydiving?! I've ALWAYS wanted to do that but honestly I'm scared of heights"

"Haha yeah... well... what can I say I-"

"I miss you" Something about the way Yeonjun said this made the curly haired boy's heart swell. Suddenly in the background there was a sound of something exploding.

"What was that?" Kai asks

"My friends popped a firework and I think the cops are gonna be called I gotta go bye!"

"Wait I-" then the line goes dead. The boy wanted to say he missed him too but now it's too late.

He sighs and turns to go back to his self loathing on the couch, but then his phone rings once again.

This time he checks the caller ID and to his surprise it's Yeonjun again. He doesn't think when he clicks answer.

"Hello?" Kai says

"Yeah? What were you going to say?" His heart is thumping against his chest and he could feel his pulse in his throat.

"I was gonna say... I miss you too"

"STOP RUNNING I ALREADY CALLED THE COPS" an unfamiliar voice yells in the background.

"You're cute" then the line goes dead once again.

Kai waited a few moments, half hoping Yeonjun would call again but it soon became obvious that that wasn't the case this time.


"What the fuck Dean you were supposed to save that firework for later!" Daniel scolds his friend.

Yeonjun, Daniel, and Dean ran from the hot springs and we're hiding in an alleyway now.

"It was pretty funny though you gotta admit" Daniel agreed with his friend and the two share a fist bump.

They turn to Yeonjun who was unusually quiet. The blonde leaning against the alley wall with a cheesy smile.

"What's up with you?" Dean asks his friend.

"He said he missed me too" Yeonjun feels like he's on cloud 9 right now; like rainbows were blooming from his heart and butterflies swarming in his stomach.

"SIMP!" Daniel and Dean begin to attack their friends with playful- but still impactful punches.

Yeonjun let's them hit him because he wanted to be sure he wasn't dreaming.

The bruises that formed later that day was proof that this was real. Huening Kai misses him.

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