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"I'm pretty good at roller skating so if you need to hold on to my arm you're more than welcome" Huening Kai rolls his eyes at Yeonjuns sleazy attempt to flirt.

The two had arrived at the roller rink and were in the middle of tying their skates. Around the skating floor were benches which were where Yeonjun and Kai currently sat.

"What makes you think I need your help?" Kai stands up and skates off skillfully-he even do a twirl to show off.

Yeonjuns jaw falls. He definitely wasn't expecting Huening Kai to be as good as he was. He quickly snaps back and skates after Kai who was already in the middle of the floor.

"You're pretty good at this, I'm surprised," Yeonjun speaks first.

"Umm.. thanks," Kai says awkwardly. Yeonjun feels the tension and realizes he needs to think fast.

9. Keep things exciting

Without much more thought, Yeonjun picks up his speed and throws himself into an air twirl. He lands effortlessly and slows down his pace. When he is back at Kai's pace he turns himself around and starts skating backward next to the boy.

"Now you're just showing off," Kai says in a teasing tone.

"Is that wrong?"

"Just when you get obnoxious about it"

"You think I'm obnoxious?" Yeonjun frowns slightly and his eyebrows knit together. Kai feels himself start to feel guilty. Yeonjun hadn't really done anything to deserve this harsh hostility. He wonders why he has his guard up with the older boy.

"No, you're not. You're just good at stuff and it shows."

"You think I'm good at stuff?" Yeonjuns wiggles his eyebrows and smirks.

"You're not obnoxious YET" Yeonjun laughs and Kai finds himself smiling too. He quickly looks away. Almost immediately after he trips and would have fallen if it weren't for Yeonjun who managed to catch him.

"Woah are you okay?" Kai makes eye contact with Yeonjun, their faces inches apart. The boy quickly pulls back- stumbles but manages to balance himself.

"I'm fine... thanks for that"

"You're already falling for me huh?"

"Aaand the moment is ruined"

"We were having a moment!?" Yeonjun asks excitedly.

"No-defiantly not. No moment what so ever" Kai crosses his arms into an X in front of his torso for emphasis and shakes his head "Anyways, we should get back and get ready for the group, they should be here soon"

"Here for what? oh yeah, the study group" Yeonjun momentarily forgets why he came here in the first place.


The roller rink had a resting area, that was where the study session planned to meet. Yeonjun excused himself to the restroom first. He took his time because he fixed his hair and scrolled through social media, liking posts and responding to messages. He wasn't excited about studying so he wanted to have some fun before suffering.

When he returns, Huening Kai is sitting down, looking dumbfounded.

"What happened? are they here yet?" He asks.

"No, they all canceled. Taehyun couldn't come because something with his grandma came up, and he was Beomgyu's ride so he can't come either. This made Yeonjun excited because it meant they could skate longer, but then he noticed how upset Kai is.

"You can always reschedule, right?" Yeonjun tried to brighten the mood.

"I really needed this help, I'm defiantly going to fail this test tomorrow"

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