13 (He has a... crush)

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"You're a dumb bitch" Taehyung tells his younger brother

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN" Huening Kai glares

"Why would you ignore him? Didn't you just tell him that you'd be his friend. Stop being dramatic and face your feelings"

"I can't"

"Look kid, I know you're timid because of your break up with Hongjoong but you can't let that hold you back. Just take it easy and trust your feelings. Not everything has to be set on stone." Huening Kai smiles in relief

"Thanks Taehyung"

"Does he have good grades?" Namjoon butts in.

"Y-yeah, he's the top of our class" this makes the eldest brother smile

"See he's good in school, what else do you want in a boy?"

Taehyung rolls his eyes "Joon, theres more to a relationship than grades"

"Whatever, oh and Kai, me and Taehyung are going to be out of town this weekend, you're allowed to have a maximum of 5 people- 10 if they're in medical school"

"Cool but I don't even have 5 friends"

"Even better! Now go to school and goodluck on your exams!" Namjoon waves his hands to get his brother moving.


Huening Kai is sitting at his desk, sharpening his pencils when the classroom door slides open dramatically, and then enters a very frantic Beomgyu.

He plops down in his seat next to Huening Kai and smiles nervously.

"Listen I totally studied but just in case can I copy off you?"

Huening Kai lifts a brow "I thought you were good in science?"

"OH ITS SCIENCE? Thank you Jesus" Beomgyu lets out a long sigh of relief and dropped his head down on his desk.

The exams were separated into two days. The first day would be Science, English and History, and tomorrow are the exams for math, and P.E

Beomgyu must have confused the days because he also showed up in his gym clothes.

Then a carton of strawberry milk is placed gently on top of  Huening Kais desk. The boy looks up and find that it was Yeonjun who placed it there.

"G-Goodluck" The blonde quickly rushes to his seat with a blushing face. He didn't even get a chance to thank Yeonjun or tell him goodluck back.

Huening Kai stares at the milk, his heart feels like it's been replaced by butterflies.

"Can I drink that?" Beomgyu points at the milk.

"No way get your own!" Huening Kai grabs his milk and holds it close to his chest protectively



"Okay Class-" Mr Sens walks in "-no talking, get your pencils ready, I'll give you 10 minutes to look over your notes"

Huening Kai grabs his pencil and risks a glance at the back of the classroom. Yeonjun is sitting bored at his desk with his elbow resting on the flat surface and his chin rested on the palm of his hand.

Their eyes meet and Yeonjun perks up excitedly. He smiles and waves. Huening Kai returns a shy smile.

He holds out a thumbs up and mouths 'Good luck' although he guessed Yeonjun didn't need the luck.


"Alright pencils down its time for lunch" Mr Sens announces and the class burst into sighs of relief and become talkative in seconds.

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