ix. hell's crossfire

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chapter 9 - hell's crossfire

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chapter 9 - hell's crossfire

It was as if everything was moving in slow motion.

One minute, the candles were lighting up the room, causing hot wax to melt from their wicks. The balcony a few feet away was open, allowing the cool morning breeze to infiltrate the room.

For one single moment, everything was fine.

Dakota was seated on her comfy bed in Polis, using the free time she had to draw in her journal. Something she hadn't done in a while.

She felt safe,



For just a single second, her world was manageable. Possibly, even survivable.

Of course, Lincoln was still imprisoned. However, she knew that patience was a virtue in this situation, and she knew that her brother was strong. He would be able to endure whatever they threw at him until it was finally time to take action and free them all.

Dakota knew that things were finally going to change, but what she unfortunately did not know, was that they wouldn't change for the better.

At least not for a while.

Because within the blink of an eye, Kota's world was turned completely upside down, leaving it colder than ever.

Within an instant, everything was covered in black.

Her hands.

Her vision.

Her mind.

And as for her heart?

Well, that beating part of her was the worst one of them all. For it was the single major thing causing her so much pain.

She felt like it was being ripped right out of her chest from having to accept the scene currently in displayed front of her. And amongst all of the suffering, she only had one question drowning in her thoughts:

.....How the hell did this happen?

Two Nights Ago...

Dakota woke up to a blinding pain in her head, pounding heavily with every breath she took. It only got worse when a sudden burst of thunder bellowed throughout the night sky.

𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 ➳ 𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘢 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘬𝘦Where stories live. Discover now