x. treachery

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chapter 10 - treachery

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chapter 10 - treachery

Sometime later, after Finn's execution, Clarke found herself waiting in the Commander's tent. She observed the dried blood that coated her hands like red gloves, as she pondered over her most recent actions. Eventually, her mind and heart went to battle inside of her, overbearing her with thoughts of guilt and remorse, but also, of relief and solace.

She was content with her decision to avoid a torturous death for the boy she loved, but that didn't mean that it hurt any less for her. It didn't mean that she wasn't second-guessing her every decision as the night's events replayed over and over in her head. It didn't mean that the stained red hands that she saw before her, were going to come clean anytime soon. No matter how hard she scrubbed them.

Unfortunately, that crimson color would soak into her palms, becoming invisible to the eye, and stay with her forever. Clarke knew that Finn's blood would be on her hands until the day she took her last breath. And that thought haunted her the most...

At some point, her mother, as well as Kane, entered the tent to wait with her but the blonde didn't pay any attention to them. Instead, she remained seated in the corner, desperately and ferociously attempting to cleanse her hands with a wet cloth. She continued to do so until Gustus entered the tent a few moments later.

"The Commander is ready to talk," he informed them all.

He then stepped aside and allowed Lexa to enter with Indra following close behind her. The Commander took a seat on her throne, causing Clarke to immediately wipe the tears from her eyes and stand up straight.

"Blood has answered blood," Lexa stated, looking towards the blonde. "Some on my side say that's not enough. They wanted the murderer to suffer as our tradition demands. But they do not know, that your suffering will be worse." Clarke looked directly into Lexa's green eyes, as she continued to speak to her. "What you did tonight will haunt you until the end of your days. Still, there will be restitution. The body will be given to Tondc, where murderer and murdered will be joined by fire. Only then can we have peace."

"When do we leave?" Clarke questioned, pushing back her tears for now, after realizing that their next priority was Mount Weather.

"Now," The Commander replied, taking notice of how the blonde was trying to hide her feelings for the time being. "Choose your attendants." She then stood up from her throne and exited the tent. Leaving Clarke, Abby, and Kane to get ready and inform their people.


As the Grounders and the Sky People walked back to Tondc, Clarke started to see hallucinations of Finn watching her from the bushes. She saw it earlier too, when they took his body away and wrapped it up. The first time, she imagined that his eyes opened as they carried him away, but this time he was just staring at her with an emotionless expression. She didn't know what to think of it, but she had an idea that his lingering presence was existing because of the guilt that still resided in her. And because she didn't know how to make the guilt go away, she was also clueless about how to make Finn's ghost-like presence go away as well.

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