xiv. the new enemy

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chapter 14 - the new enemy

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chapter 14 - the new enemy

"It's over." Pike declared, feeling like he already won. "Put down your weapons."

"Shoot him." Kota nearly growled, her patience running thin. It was very easy for Pike to get under her skin and he clearly had her right where he wanted her.

"I can't." Kane sighed, lowering his gun a few inches. "Monty's in the shot."

"Damnit." She hissed in reply, before subconsciously tightening her grip on Bellamy's collar and drawing her sword closer to his neck.

"Come on, Marcus." Pike taunted, still aiming his own gun at the helpless boy in front of him. Another gunshot pierced the air, making the group flinch. "I promised Monty's mother that I'd bring him home alive. Don't make me a liar."

"Yeah?" Kota scoffed. "You also promised that no harm would come to my people but look where my brother ended up! Look where the rest of the Grounders ended up! You're the epitome of a what a liar looks like, Pike!"

Dakota kept on shouting random insults at Pike and the other three knew exactly why she was doing it. Kota was smart enough to never waste her breath on a man so narrow-minded as Pike. However, they were in a difficult predicament, and so she was doing everything in her power to stall and think of a plan. But her attempts failed when the chancellor disregarded her voice completely, and only focused his attention on Kane, because he was the one with the gun.

The older man knew what he had to do, because it was the only way out of this and they knew it. Finally, he lowered his gun, which instantly made Octavia look back at him.

"Kane, no." She whispered, but he just ignored her and placed his weapon on the ground, before raising his hands in the air in surrender.

"Now you." Pike called out to the girls.

Octavia looked over at Kota in question, wondering what she wanted her to do, but it seemed like there was only one available option. So, she sighed and threw her weapon to the ground as well. Dakota, on the otherhand, was battling within herself. She knew that she had to surrender, but she didn't want to. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking that he won. With a frown, she drew her eyes away from the chancellor and set them on Bellamy instead. Suddenly, an idea formed and she quickly put him in a slight headlock as she placed her sword against his neck.

Very subtly, she whispered something into his ear for only him to hear. "If you really want to prove which side you're on, listen closely." As she quickly informed him of the plan, Pike observed her from afar, wondering if she was really going to use the sword on Bellamy. He didn't want to underestimate her, like he had to all of the Grounders in the past, so he raised his walkie.

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