xvii. kill or be killed

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chapter 17 - kill or be killed

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chapter 17 - kill or be killed

Octavia remained waiting in the Reaper tunnels, close to the front door of Mount Weather, for either someone to return or for anyone to exit the door. She was hiding behind a big metal bin when she suddenly heard an alarm blaring.

"It's about time," she mumbled but was quickly caught off guard by a dead body sliding into the bin from one of the chutes. "Fox..." she whispered, recognizing who the battered corpse was. Her attention was quickly turned elsewhere, once she heard footsteps approaching behind her. She grabbed her machete-like sword from its sheath and stood in a waiting stance as the shadow on the wall drew closer and closer.

"Octavia?" Clarke questioned, in utter disbelief. "You stayed."

Octavia immediately turned back around at the irritating sight of the blonde. "Screw you," she spat, turning back around and sending her a deathly glare. "Of course, I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie."

"We have to get in there," Clarke stated the obvious, ignoring Octavia's words and rushing over to the door of Mount Weather. The brunette grabbed her arm to stop her before she ushered the girl to look over at Fox's body lying in the bin.

"If that was possible do you think I'd still be out here?"

Clarke only stared quietly at the corpse, so Octavia decided to be the one to break the silence. 

"Why did Lexa sound the retreat?" She asked.

"She made a deal with Mount Weather. Freed the grounders," The blonde replied, clearly frustrated with the Commander's betrayal. "Now we're on our own." She added, running over to the door and banging on it.

"Stop!" The brunette scolded her, immediately pulling her away from it. "They'll know we're here!" Clarke only huffed from being out of breath and feeling overwhelmed. "What about Lincoln? There's no way he'd have gone along with a plan like this."

"He didn't. They took him." The blonde informed her, as she raised her gun to the door's access panel.

"What's wrong with you?!" Octavia chastised her, pushing the gun away.

"I'm getting through that door!"

"And that's your plan? Bellamy's counting on you. Everyone's always counting on you!"

"Well, what do you want from me!?" Clarke shouted, feeling like the world's weight was on her shoulders.

"You trusted Lexa. You let a bomb drop on Tondc! You let all of those people—"

"—I am doing the best I can!"

"Well, it's not good enough." The brunette shook her head before the door beeped and opened up from behind them. They both drew their weapons, however, they were soon put at ease once more, as Bellamy cautiously made his way out. "Bellamy!" Octavia sighed in relief and embraced him in a hug. She then turned to hug Monty and Jasper who were right behind him. "I knew it. You two are too scrawny to drill." She chuckled.

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