xi. unity day

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chapter 11 - unity day

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chapter 11 - unity day

"My friends, this is a historic Unity Day."

Jaha's static voice had been playing throughout the camp.

Raven had set the TV radio in front of everyone, so that they could all hear his speech about how this Unity Day would be their last one while aboard the Ark, considering next year they'd be on the ground.

Once his speech had concluded, Jasper emerged from one of the tents with a huge pot in his hands.

"Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again!" he shouted while weaving his way through the crowd.

"Call this batch, Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?"

The delinquents quickly grew excited and began gathering around him with their empty cups waiting to be filled. It caused a bit of a commotion, so Octavia used this as her chance to escape the camp while no one was looking.

She had been sneaking out of the camp to meet Dakota for the past few days and normally, she could leave without anyone knowing.

Little did she know, Finn had seen her this time.

Octavia made her way towards Dakota's cave by following the white flowers she had set up for her. It had been a couple of days since their first training session and Dakota had finally had the chance to explain to her that she was assigned to spy on their camp. Thankfully Octavia listened to her explanation and understood her reasoning behind it. They also had multiple discussions about trying to obtain peace but they had yet to come up with a good plan.

When Octavia entered the cave, she saw that Dakota had her back turned to her while she was in the middle of sketching something in her journal. Just by the focused look on her face, she could tell that she was invested in whatever she was drawing. So, because she seemed to be not paying attention to anything except the paper in her lap, Octavia took this as an opportunity to sneak up on her from behind.

Dakota started teaching Octavia about stealth, and how it was a crucial element in catching your opponent or enemy off guard.

Unfortunately, because stealth was one of Dakota's major skills, she sensed a presence creeping up behind her and immediately turned around and grabbed Octavia, pinning her against the wall.

"Nice try," Dakota chuckled, a playful smirk evident on her face.

She smiled as she pulled Octavia into a hug, but Octavia abruptly leaned in to connect their lips.

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